Parallel Witness

Lukestokes is one of the most famous witness of this platform that we call He is a good person (I'm not sure), a good steemian (maybe, right?) and a responsible human being (I really don't know anything about him that much).

In a parallel universe, anything about Luke is a different story.

In a world where darkness succumbs the weak and tramples the small, a dark lord named bad-karma has invaded everything. From villages to cities, from sanity to the darkest corners of every individual's hearts. He is indeed a villain, a terrible being, not a man.

Bad-karma used to be good-karma but because of an infamous incident that changed the world itself, the once good-karma got corrupted making him into bad-karma.

The lukestokes of this universe has been looking for the solution of this problem for years. After a lot of misfortunes, numerous failures and tedious tasks, at last, Luke finds and answer.

Now Luke is charging towards Bad-karma's castle to settle the score between them and to finish Bad-karma's reign.

"Everything will change from now Bad-karma", Luke said while looking into a tube that he was holding.

As Luke approaches closer to his destination, a loud cry of a horrible creature echoes the area. A tantrum, a monstrous being that has the body of Hulk Hogan and the head of Big Bird.

The tantrum jumps off the a building and lands on front of Luke. The impact of the tantrum's landing shatters the ground that made a crater under it's feet.

Tantrums feeds from the fear of it's victims along with the flesh and body.

Get out of my way!

Luke shoots a laser from his extra bionic arm. The laser goes through the tantrum's arm that made it cry in pain.

To avoid more unnecessary violence in this story, Luke moves on without doing anymore harm on the damaged tantrum. What does awaits to Luke inside the castle? Will he be successful with his mission? Will he be able to kill Bad-karma or will he be able to find another way? Find it out in the next chapter...

If I get the energy to do it, hahahaha....

The End.

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