💥 🎨 ArtExplosion week 42 - entry for NO theme

Hi guys,

it's been long since I participated last time in my favorite contest here run by @juliakponsford ArtExplosion.
And this time, subject is - No theme - so you can do what ever comes to your mind.


I been working on this piece little longer than on others lately. I even recently shared here small video that can bee seen on link here

sorry for poor editing and quality, somehow I managed to shrink it and make not so clear

Here is process of work itself, and as usual it was pencil first. Size is 50x70cm so it allows me to play nicely.


First was lower part done, since I like to shake and bend paper to melt water and color over surface, and than it's hard to follow process on both parts of painting.


Hair part you can watch on video, and here are first parts of face layers.


I had constant doubt in mind about background, leave it blank or add details..And blank prevailed. But idea that was born in my head about background will be done on some similar piece for sure.


Another great staff I came across on net lately is this app that allows you to upload your art on several different room walls. If you save it, your work is getting lower quality, but still it was interesting to see my art like this.



Thank you for watching and all :)

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