An Open Letter to You (My Animation Journey)


Sipping a hot cuppa coffee as I pen this letter down

To Animators, Artists, Steemians

Having been on Steemit for 142 Days, I've come to know many people from various backgrounds. Both coming and going. There are many times just a hi-bye, but also times when new friendships are forged. I enjoy talking to people most often behind the keyboard. As an INTJ, I usually don't mix around much in crowded spaces. Steemit has given me this platform that also allows me to connect with lovely people from all around the world. Whether sharing the same passion or just a good conversation.

To the ends of the earth

When I got on Steemit, all I had on my mind was to share my animation experiences and lessons I've learned to everyone. It was definitely a tough start when I had to work my way up without anyone guiding me. I was blur and didn't know where I was headed. Never heard of #curie, nor #OCD-resteem. All I knew was that I wanted to post something using my expertise. Hence, coming out with a first Steemit 3D Logo for #teammalaysia.

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Animation does play a big part in my life. I remember the younger years when I watched my first ever animated featured film "Toy Story". I was amazed... That movie was a gamechanger for the animation industry and that was a huge step in progress.

I remember telling my mum,"Mum! One day I want to do that!". Without realizing what 'that' was, I just knew that the passion has been ignited ever since. My parents would rent me those old VCR tapes for our movie nights. Remember the ones where you have to blow at the film strip to clear the dust?


Yips, I love watching 'The little Mermaid', 'Hercules', Hunchback of Notredame" and many other animated films on the VCR. These were the films that involved a lot of traditional animation, drawing pages after pages with a lightbox underneath. Like a flip-book. Nowadays, everything is done on the PC.

Over the years, my passion was distracted by what many people claim it to be "Successful Jobs". My teacher would always tell us this.

"Kids, next time when you grow up, you have to be successful. To be successful, you must either be a doctor, a lawyer, an architect, or an engineer. Nothing else."

This was ingrained in my mind but I later realized that I can't study. I don't like physics, I don't like Mathematics, I don't like to memorize formulas. This wasn't working for me.

Fortunately, my parents were always very supportive of me. I told them that I wanted to study animation, and I would be happy just doing that in my hometown. Animation wasn't a big thing back then and not many universities offered such courses. For Asian countries, sometimes it was looked down upon because you study 'art'.

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My first digital painting

Pushing aside all the stereotypical mindset, I pursued what I wanted to do. I'm thankful that my family was able to fund my university fees in Kuala Lumpur, the Capital of Malaysia.

Was it tough?

It was, because the creative industry in Malaysia is always being exploited. Animation is still a fairly new medium in Malaysia. So during my university years, I never knew what I was going to do after I graduated. Would there be a job offer? Or should I just probably find another industry to work in.

I would always remind myself of the "Toy Story" that ignited my passion towards animation. So I kept going. And you know what? You should too! From a fellow animator to another, If you really love what you're doing and you believe in it, never give up. As cliche as it may sound, it's true. You should always try to better your skills, it won't take just a day but it's a lifelong learning process.

Everyday be inspired by the things around you

Always give your best in the work that you're doing, no matter what it is! My first few years upon graduating, I was stumped because I was selected to intern with an advertising agency. Back then, my friends all got job offers from animation studios. I was the only one headed towards an advertising agency. Like why?! Everyone would be doing awesome movies and games and I would be doing some shitty ad campaign for clients.

Truth be told, those years working with the advertising company was the best working years of my life! I've learned many soft skills which they don't teach in an animation company. I've learned to deal with clients, to create proposals and pitches, I've learn to manage a small team and to brainstorm ideas. All these things that an animation company wouldn't teach you. I am also glad to have met new people who are now my good friends.


A bunch of amazing creatives

What I'm trying to say here is, constantly put your best foot forward. Even if you may not like what you're doing now, give your best. It also says a lot about your character.

6 years have passed, and I'm finally doing what I love doing. It is satisfying to see kids who watched my animation on TV laugh and smile. People who actually appreciates my work. The days when I can cheer a crying kid up with one of my slapstick animations on youtube. As I look back and reminisce at the path I've taken. I thank God for putting me there. For the people who've come into my life. Just recently, I've also received good news from my boss. :) But that shall wait.

I aim to continue writing more guides, tutorials and experiences that the animation industry has taught me on Steemit. Recently, I've written a few guides and lessons that you may want to read up too.

Creating your demoreel

Recharge your Passion

Life of every Character

These are just a few and I hope that these posts will benefit you one way or another. I also hope for the best in everything you do. I started off as a nobody, but I'm planning to be a somebody in the animation world.


Thank You

If you like what I do, check out my other posts on my artworks, photography & animations.

I'm also open for

Personalized Steemit Profile Banner,logos & GIFs

DM me on discord : zord189#7776


Credits to @pinstory & @coloringiship for this lovely photo of me.


Animated Banner Created By @zord189

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