Milton Omena and the Logos of Famous Painters

What would the logos of the great painters of history be like? Creative Milton Omena began to wonder what such logos would have looked like.

Here we can see the results:

Images by Milton Omena

In the times in which we live, the image is almost everything. For this reason, the big brands worldwide invest millions of dollars every year in advertising and their logos. Of course, things were very different centuries ago, in which people knew how to become widely known thanks to their inventions, the same ones that made their names endure over time. Such is the case of Leonardo Da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol or Claude Monet, among many others.

Of course, none of the aforementioned had a logo during their lifetime, but creative Milton Omena began to wonder what those emblems would have looked like. In addition, far from simply thinking about the subject, the Brazilian got to work and transferred his ideas to his computer, resulting in a series of minimalist images that he shared on his personal profile and I want to show you below, along with the inspiration and the process of each.

Leonardo DaVinci (1452 - 1519)
"I used his sketches, notebooks and studies for reference. Although he is known for his brilliant use of perspective and depth in backgrounds and his incredibly expressive portraits, I figured his inventive side would reflect more of his personality."


Vincent Van Gogh (1853 - 1890)
"It is said that he was a very private and thoughtful person and a very meticulous artist. I was inspired by his iconic brush pattern. Brand identity became the only logical way to encompass his enormous influence."


Claude Monet (1840 - 1926)
"Monet was the most influential painter of Impressionism, a movement named after one of his paintings. I was inspired by the famous paintings he did of the bridge over the lake in his garden."


Salvador Dali (1904 - 1989)
"An incredibly strange man who transcended reality while maintaining an impressive realistic style. Known for his glorious mustache and irreverence. This was the logo I had the most fun designing. No grids, just freehand illustration."


Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973)
"His paintings are among the most expensive works of art ever auctioned and he is repeatedly mentioned as a multi-talented artist who is not only a painter, but also a sculptor. His cubist style is the most recognized."


Piet Mondrian (1872 - 1944)
"A painter whose geometric and mathematical use of primary colors created Neo-Plasticism and left a mark on history. His style influenced not only art but also architecture and graphic design for years to come."


Jackson Pollock (1912 - 1956)
"A rebellious man known for his drip method, abstract expressionism and cowboy attitude. A painter who used to paint on the ground and sometimes left accidental cigarette burns on his canvas due to smoking even while painting ".


Andy Warhol (1928 - 1987)
"The biggest name in the pop-art movement. His bright colors were a stir in the world of fame and publicity. An interesting man with very big ideas and who valued impact."


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