Artistic Accident - Draw


Greetings to all those who are reading me, I hope you all are very well.

On this occasion I wanted to share with you this realistic drawing that I made a few days ago. Unfortunately I do not count on the step by step, as it turns out that I drew it before entering into Steemit.

It's interesting how things turned out to create this girl that for now we'll call ... let's see ... Maria. Yes, let's put her that name.

You may will ask why I have decided to name it right at this moment, well, here comes the funny part of my story. It turns out that I was practicing how to draw realism and I began to draw a face part by part, with proportions and everything else. As it was a practice, I grabbed a sheet of recycling (which was stained, by the way) and I structured the face. First the outline, then the guidelines for the proportions of the elements that make up the face and finally I began to draw as such everything, the eyes, the nose, the mouth ... When I was about to start the hair I started to notice that I was liking as I was staying and I put more effort in "not ruin" and then, it turned out, do not ruin it haha.

So this is it, she has a face of an unknown girl from my imagination, to whom, dear ones, I have decided to call Maria.


* Moral: Believe in yourselves and in your abilities, you never know when you end up surprising yourself. Always assume that your drawings will look good, make them on a decent sheet.*

** Thanks again for reading, I hope you liked my little story :D**

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