🐺 When a closet needs space

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When mama asks you do

Mom is a math/physics teacher at a high-school. As long as she has been working at the current school she is at, she had 2 eye sores in her classroom. 2 closets she just found extremely hideous, Gray... flat... boring...

Luckily mom has some very creative kids, sadly enough... Those two kids are lazy as hell... So she asked both of them on separate occasions if they'd want to do something about them, well of course they both said yes it is mom after all...

Time passed and more time passed and nothing was done.... So mom kept asking.

Persistence wins

Eventually my laziness caved and I went to pick up the closets and put them in the garden.

As always I had no plan what-so-ever so Instead I decided to just go plunder the paint shop for some supplies.

YAAAY Supplies!!!


So after strolling for some ideas I saw one of those over done "streetartist spray paint space on some board" videos.
And I thought to myself....

"WolV... that's something you've never done before... so why not?"

So the idea was born and I got to work.



start start start, laying out the planets, getting a real idea of the flow



planets spaces indicated, painted and covered



can't have space without some sky. Look at that spacy space!



a closet needs sides

There it is SPACE!


Tadaaaa, with some mountains and everything!



Closet back at school. With a little sneak peak of the other closet that will be featured in another post

So... What do you think?

So I've been tagging @dreemsteem at her request in my art posts. Because that way @ginabot would show here a mentioned notification, as she didn't always check on her feed. So I've decided to open the little tag section for everyone that wants gina (or other bot that notifies on mentions) to notify them of my new posts. Want to be tagged in future art posts? let me know and I'll add you to the list

🐺 @wolv

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