šŸŗ Love like skulls ā€™n bones - Pt.2

This is the second part of my story. If you haven't yet. Go read part 1 first here
(Drawing with progress after the story)


She had died young and had been dead for years. Now she was bound to the afterlife.

The afterlifeā€¦ it was not what everyone picturedā€¦ It wasnā€™t happy, jolly and white heaven. But it wasnā€™t dark, torture and scary hell neither. It was something in between both of those but more peaceful and mistyā€¦ than life.


There wasnā€™t a lot to do here, but she had heard there were worse places to be. As entertainment the dead got glimpses into the world of the living. It was like a tv show, it was a nice distraction from the eternity in this place. There was no regular time for when the glimpses happen or to who could see them it all just happened at random. Some glimpses could be seen by everyone, others only by a select few or even only by one person. For some reason some of the dead could even interact with the living world during at times.

These interactions occurred differently for every dead person. Some could move things, others could whisper. Sheā€¦ She could reach out to him in his dreams, only him, always him. sometimes more vivid than others. And she liked it. He was a nice and good person. He had had a rough life and didnā€™t have a lot of luckā€¦ But he was clever as no other and he had a golden heart even though he himself couldnā€™t see that.


He would go out of his way to help others, even those that didnā€™t deserve it. He was the kind of guy that would stop his car to help the elderly cross the street. That supported every charity he could find. That would stop and take a detour in the blazing rain, just to help out a drifter stuck on the road.
No matter how bad he had itā€¦ No matter if others had it better heā€™d always be ready to help, even if it put him in a disposition.

He lived next to the old lady Tamala, a grumpy woman always threatening to kill everyone with her imaginary ninjas. Tamala was the only person in his block she actually liked, not just because she was the only one that (in her better moments) was nice to him, but also for the selfish reason that if by a miracle Tamalaā€™s ninjas were realā€¦ she would meet him sooner.


Over time she had fallen for him and was able to reach out to him more and more. It was easier to reach out to him when his depression was hitting him hard. Which on one side was sadā€¦ She did feel bad for him during those episodesā€¦ But it also made her happy as she could reach out more and stronger and feel closer to him. She would be there to calm him down, assuring him it would all get better. Telling him ā€œIā€™m waiting for you right here. All will be better when we are togetherā€


As the days went past she started to long for him more and more. So much so that she started to look for ways to get back into the land of the living. She knew it was possible as it had been done before. Seeing how he was being treated, seeing how he suffered and how his kindness often was taken for weakness. He needed her thereā€¦
After what seemed like an eternity of searching she found a demon that claimed to be able to assist. All it would cost was half her soul or the soul of her soulmate as soon as she reached the land of the livingā€¦

A soulā€¦ that is all you are in the afterlifeā€¦ giving that upā€¦ or even half of itā€¦
Disillusioned she left the demon be and headed back to what she called home. Time passed, the demonā€™s offer stuck in her head. She tried to bring it up to him during his dreams, but he seemed so peaceful, she couldnā€™tā€¦ He would never let her give half her soul and she wasnā€™t going to let him give hisā€¦


But then last nightā€¦ He appeared so vivid, it nearly was like they were finally together for real. He told her about the episode he had had that night. As always she calmed him down and told himā€ Iā€™m waiting for you right here. All will be better when we are togetherā€. How close and strong it feltā€¦ it was unbelievable she had not felt it that strong ever before.

She was not able to shake that feeling and during the day it grew stronger and strongerā€¦. She couldnā€™t take it, she ran to the demon to accept the deal for half her soul. She asked how it would work.
The demon told her

ā€œIā€™ll open a tunnel between the two worlds, after you jump in focus on something you desire from the land of the living, something or someone you really truly desireā€¦ That someone shall hear in your voice a sentence that reminds them of you. This will help you transition. As soon as you reach the land of the living half your soul will be mine and passage shall be granted, agreed?ā€

She agreed as she trembled with fear and excitement as she closed her eyes at the edge of the tunnel, she saw him sitting on his favorite edge. She smiled as she jumped.


While the wind rushed past her she heard the sentenceā€¦

ā€œIā€™m waiting for you right here. All will be better when we are togetherā€

which was followed by his reply

ā€œFuck itā€¦.ā€

ā€œNOOOH!ā€ she instinctively screamed! Some how she knew what sheā€™d see if sheā€™d open her eyesā€¦
She slowly opened them and his body dropping of the edge confirmed her fearā€¦

ā€œPlease no!ā€

She tried to reach out to him, but all went whiteā€¦


Paper A5
Copic Liners
White Gel pen
Colored pencils

Process pictures

Once again I do have a couple of process pictures (slightly less this time sadly enought).
I do always try to make process pictures. But I tend to end up in a zone where I just draw and forget. Before I know it the drawing is finished....






IMG_20180329_165336_resized_20180518_042857645 - Copy.jpg

for part 1 look here

Let me know what you think ,

šŸŗ @wolv

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