Finally, Walk of Hope have its' Own Logo

For a few months now, there has been a lot of indecisions regarding having our own LOGO. A few steemians too tried to make one for us with no definitive result. Initially, @flabbergast-art was not so keen to have one.

Until yesterday.

Finally deciding on one, courtesy of a non-Steemian named Angevil Villocillo, a friend of @flabbergast-art, successfully got his approval for a logo.



Colors BLUE and RED are dominant in the Philippine flag, getting those in consideration was very important in creating our logo.

Geometric figures represent WALK OF HOPE's advocacies in bringing MUSIC, ARTS & CULTURE, Creating Livelihood to the underpriviledged, less fortunate and to our YOUTH around the country. Keeping in mind our ecologic ventures with other environmental groups in the Philippines as well as promoting eco-friendly local products and innovations, the green heart represents our passion in doing our share of helping Mother Earth.

I think that's about it!

Again a big "Thank you" to all of @walkofhope's supporters. Together, we can enrich lives, helping them to become Empowered and Independent, through Steem and the blockchain. KUDOS too to every non-Steemian friends who are making things possible with their support and/or collaborations.

Logo by Angevil Villocillo, with THANKS.


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