Night Mode Art No. 1 [Online Echoes]


Toggle Night Mode

This post is designed for night mode. Select your profile image (upper right) and click "Toggle Night Mode" to continue. This mode represents a new and distinct digital canvas for artists to experiment with. I had some fun with this one...

In past posts - I spoke about the idea of "scrolling canvases" within the Steemit interface. The action of scrolling is a tool we use to control the speed of narratives we absorb. This applies to text just as it does for graphics. Steemit's new light/dark dynamic provides opportunity for a funky new kind of digital-storytelling language that’s entirely native to this platform.

I hope you enjoy the first of this Night Mode Series...


Online Echoes

This graphic was made through the 3D modeling software Rhino (using the command "Heightfield"). The command creates topographies that respond to the lights and darks within an image. In the next part of this series I'll animate a bit more of this process.



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