Lain hyperlapse drawing with commentary

I spent my morning on the internet searching for clothes and a new travel bag for the upcoming trip. It finally hit me that I'll be gone for two weeks and I've NEVER been away for that long. I am a work-a-holic and being away for more than four days used to drive me nuts. I am really excited to visit the east coast and I can already tell that these next three days will be busy until we depart. 

I made my purchases and then finally got around to recording the audio for my Lain hyperlapse sketch. Check out my previous post "Serial Experiments Lain Sketch" for detailed screenshots. 

I was pleasantly surprised with the audio recordings. This is my first time recording with the Shure Mic and I'll admit that I did not sound half bad. It was really simple to set-up and very easy to export the audio to my devices. Check out the video below to watch my very first hyperlapse sketch with commentary! 

I had a lot of fun creating this video for everyone to see. I had some difficulties editing on iMovie on my iPad Pro. I could not find a way to add multiple audio layers into one movie without one being deleted in the process. I wanted to throw my iPad across the room, it was so annoying. Running into problems that I can't resolve myself are my biggest pet peeve. 

I really hope that some of you will take the time to view it and leave me your thoughts. I'd love to make another one of these! Thanks for checking out this post!

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