I should be wrapping presents

This evening I’ve been sketching in the living room, seated by the window. I was waiting for the FedEx guy who would be delivering one of @guthrie’s Christmas gifts. It’s always tricky when you need to sign for a package but it was received successfully. I’ll be wrapping up all of the presents after posting or I may find another excuse to put it off for another day. 

When I started drawing this I had wanted to write some script, specifically the word ‘twitch’ by her eye. I’ve been interested in experimenting with script and panels that you’d see in a comic book but ended up stopping here. My penmanship would not be at it’s best so I need a break before I even try to write anything.

I wanted to include the word twitch because I’m currently suffering from a twitch in one of my eyes. It’s been awhile since I’ve had a twitch that wouldn’t leave. 

The first time it happened was years ago. A customer from my first job ever was arguing with me over something that was out of my control. Something like...her wanting a garment in a specific color that did not exist in the shop. After a few minutes her boyfriend walked over and said “Babe, can you finish fighting so we can go?” She briskly answered back with “Okay” and they walked out like nothing had happened. 😖

It had to be stress induced with the second episode. I had a twitch in my brow, corner of my eye, and the corner of my lip. I did go in for a check-up and my doctor couldn’t find any problems. He just said that I needed rest.

This time I have no clear idea what it could be. The twitch is coming from the inner corner of my right eye and it’s a rapid movement. I’ve been keeping the light on my devices on a lower setting incase it’s caused from a strain in my eyes. Maybe I need better sleep? I know my eating habits could be better. I’m honestly not too worried about it.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed the progress shots!

Out of 5, what would you rate your penmanship? 🦊📝

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