Current work, photo bombs and latte art

Last night was one of those rare occasions where @kommienezuspadt and I had the rest of the day to ourselves. @guthrie was at a sleepover so we were able to enjoy a night without any interruptions. It was funny how excited we got thinking about the nights possibilities. We had to forcibly energize ourselves in fear of turning in early.

We got a delicious cafe miel to split and I was surprised with this pretty latte art! I want to learn how to do latte art! Have you seen those cool gifs of adorably jiggly latte art?  

It’s on my bucket list to try one similar to this while I’m traveling with the bestie @lonniedi. We’ve chatted about planning another girls trip and I can’t wait!!!!

While the sweetheart went to work editing photos, I got serious about covering ground on my latest piece. I’ve been dropping hints here and there about how great it’s looking so far. The image from my sketchy bouquet post is really starting to come through now, don’t you think? When I’m done I’ll either turn this into a jacket patch or maybe I’ll just frame it. I do still have a long way to go so I’ll be spending most of the evening working to finish this so I can move on.

Laying down color for the larger petals are not fun. It takes forever!!! But instead of whining about it I look forward to sharing the progress and my excitement with others. So far, @wearingjoy has become my #1 cheerleader. Here she is attempting to photo bomb. I didn’t know this but she’s become a master of the photobomb. You’ll have to visit her blog to ask her about it. Soon, I’ll be sketching out a design that I can put onto one of her t-shirts. I’m not too sure what I’ll be doing but she’s given me free range.  

I can’t wait to share more progress shots! 

Thanks for stopping by! 🦊 

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