Soaking my pen in Ink
With intent to write about you
My fore enmeshed in oil
To anoint the information gathered in my head.
History books I consulted
To consult your historical icon
To seek a depth in praising you
And the tune for praise singers.

I traversed Greek and Roman cities
Engulfing the load of sage knowledge
To meet gods and discuss how to celebrate you
With godly understanding and human wisdom.

I sought Cupid
For earnest quotes and lines
With which he kept swayed his bevy of ladies.

Alas! Nothing comprehend to the purgation of thy soul
As Cupid becomes speechless
And Argamenon's anger tamed
At the sight of thy beauty and in-depth knowledge.

Had a voice
I would raise my voice at the village square
Assembling the best praise singers and chanters
To celebrate your person
I would assemble all along village squares to celebrate thou.

I remain dwarfed in knowledge
Ineptitude in performance and speechless in adulation

However, I put ink to paper
To be part of history and tell the unborn
I met a lady not just ebony shinning
But with a mind that rubbishes the world's greatest.

I continually celebrate my contact with thou
And cherish every moment spent in your presence
With the intent of being with thee a mortal lifetime
Ink fades...

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