Original Art Photography Series by @velimir #195 'Snake, Monkey and a Limpet'

'Snake, Monkey and a Limpet'

Sometimes I take a picture of an object with rich and uneven structure and then search for whatever I can find in there. This is one of these. Everyone needs to look carefully and search for themselves. It is very much like finding objects in the clouds (what I also love to do). :D

As I already stated in the title, I've found a snakehead with open mouth, a monkey-like head and a limpet in there. Take your time and search for items. I cannot be sure what you will find but do share your finds, please! Let us all see where your imagination takes you. :)

Space is very much defined by the colours but the linear structure also plays a giant part in creating the illusion of plasticity. The warm part of the colour spectrum is predominantly used, apart from the weird green hue, best visible in the top right corner. Can you feel how it "cools down" the whole composition? The brown stain in the middle pushes the middle away from us and makes all other parts come out. It makes our attention dwell away from the middle.

Even though the light is coming from the right side, it plays no major role here. The image is created with hues and colours originally found on the object, they were not altered by lighting.

By the way, at the same place where the money head is located, there is another one. It looks like a gremlin with stuck out tongue. If nobody of you guys finds this, I'll show it tomorrow. It's simply too cool to miss it.

Enjoy, and let me know what you've found! :)

©2018 Velimir Kovačić All rights reserved.

All images and text published in this post are my original work. I encourage everyone to use own texts, thoughts and images as much as possible. Be yourself and stay yourself. This is a proper way to build steemit.com. I do not have respect for dishonest authors. Also, bloggers actually DO matter!

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Note to my dear readers, friends and followers: Please understand that I am unable to answer all of your comments because if I was to do that, I'd not have any time left for creating the series and for all of my other Steemit-related work. The amount of comments is overwhelming. It is beautiful to see that my work is appreciated and that it inspires so many people. I read all of your comments before going to sleep. It is my evening routine. Thank you so much for your support!

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