Original Art Photography Series by @velimir #124 'Five Candles'

The name of this art photograph is: 'Five Candles'

Hm... just noticed what upload to the blockchain did to the greens. It made some strange squares. Please click on the image and open it in full size at the original location. These squares at the border of green and dark areas are not to be there. Weird.

This mysterious, maybe even mystical piece was taken in a dark hallway with a single round window. It makes me think of virtues. As candles come closer to the light, the lighter they become. At the same time, their candleflame becomes invisible. Like as if there are steps one needs to take if he/she is to merge with some greater big light out there. Steps of losing one's ego in finding a greater consciousness?

There are five distinct elements. The candles, the white circle, the darkness, the reflection on the far wall and the aura around the window. The overall darkness is dictating mood, the atmosphere of the entire composition. Its counterpart is the white circle of light. The candles are, no doubt, the main element. They gradually lose their orange-red colour with their decreasing proximity to the light. The reflection beautifully rounds up the composition, opens the left side and creates the balance of the whole. The light pink aura works well with the orange candles and the greenish tone which is coming out of the darkness. Together they create a unique colour scheme. The adjective arcane comes to mind.

The candlestick is invisible under the far left candle and it makes the candle look as if is stuck in the darkness, drowned in it. The candlestand becomes visible as we progress to the right. This is suggesting that one needs to come out of the darkness and become transparent if one is to reach ideals of enlightenment.

Are you ready to bring your candles closer to the light?

Enjoy! :)

©2017 Velimir Kovačić All rights reserved.

All images and text published in this post are my original work. I encourage everyone to use own texts, thoughts and images as much as possible. Be yourself and stay yourself. This is a proper way to build steemit.com. I do not have respect for dishonest authors. Also, don't make it all about business - bloggers actually DO matter!

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