HANDMADE. 3D fruits and vegetables from paper (original work)

 It will not be a secret for anyone that all children need parental attention and care. For them, this is much more important than anything else. The best way to have a pleasant and useful pastime with a child is joint creativity. To this end, you can offer the child to make their own hands, voluminous articles made of paper. In this case, the child will develop his creative abilities and acquire the necessary skills. Such  an occupation develops small motor skills of children, accuracy,  perseverance, the ability to think figuratively and creatively. Picking colors for your product, the child will develop in himself the color perception of the world.
Today  I, with my little nephew Sasha (2 years), want to offer you several  ways to create simple, but at the same time, original voluminous  articles from paper. 

 For work we need:
• colored paper,
• glue,
• a pencil,
• black marker,
• scissors. 

 The  technique that Sasha and I want to offer to you is very simple in  execution and versatile, since it is suitable for making many articles  made of paper. Let's analyze it in more detail on the example of a pear.
To create a bulky pear we need yellow and green two-sided colored paper. First you need to prepare a template for the future pear. Just at this stage and can help the child parents. After  this, applying the template to the yellow paper, the child will easily  draw a pencil and cut out the necessary number of blanks. To obtain a more voluminous effect of the future fruit, it is desirable to make 10-16 pieces of blanks. Now, having folded all the blanks in half, you need to glue them consistently with the rib to the edge. 

 And, at the final stage, we make a stalk from green paper and paste a green leaf to it. To reproduce the realism of a pear, you can cut an oval from a white paper and draw two seeds on it with a black marker. Then glue it inside one of the sides of the fruit. Thus, the 3D pear is ready. 

 This technique is so simple that even small children with great pleasure that will be the master, such as my little pupil. 

 In a similar technique, you can make other fruits and vegetables, such as an apple, pear, pumpkin, watermelon and so on. The difference is only in the used template and the color of the paper. To  an apple you can additionally prepare funny small details, which will  certainly be of interest to children, for example, a worm. 

 To speed up the  process at the stage of creating blanks, you can fold all the sheets of  the desired color together, bend it in half, and, in the bend, circle a  half of the fruit or vegetable, so that after the cutting out, the whole  object is formed. 

When making watermelon, in addition, you need to prepare a middle of a red color, with black seeds marked with black. In addition, we prepare the leaves in a special way. Namely, cutting out a thin strip of green paper, we give it a waviness, having carried on the blade of the scissors. 

 When making a  pumpkin in addition to the main blanks of a saturated orange color, you  need to prepare one piece of a lighter shade, which will simulate the  inside of the pumpkin. It should be half a centimeter smaller diameter than the main workpiece. 

 Obtained in this way handicrafts, you can play, give someone or decorate their room. 

 We should not forget that the joint creative work of children and parents has a positive psychological moment. This brings you closer to the child, finding bright, common points for crossing. And do not forget that the child should always be interested in the work and not necessarily follow the instructions clearly. It is possible, and even desirable, to improvise a little.

I hope this unpretentious technique of making paper fruits will have to your children's liking. 

 If you like my work, please follow me! 

With best wishes, @valentinka-cat 

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