Art & Woodworking: How I relief carved some Foxes. Complete process with pictures.


Relief carving is a type of woodcarving in which figures are carved in a flat panel of wood. The figures project only slightly from the background rather than standing freely.

More recent carvings: Wolf Face & Gangster Owl & The Elf

(1) The foxes hanging on the wall like a painting.

(2) The foxes against a black background.

The pictures above are the results of at least forty hours of work. Even though I think this piece turned out pretty good, I’m by no means a professional woodworker. I’m still learning and that is the sole reason why I would like to share my woodworking process and progress with you Steemers.


As you might have noticed I haven’t been woodworking for the last couple of months. To get back into it all, I decided to combine all the things I learned thus far in one carving.

(3) The original drawing transferred to the wood. Already made some cuts to layer the foxes the right way.

(4) Slowly trying to separate all the foxes and layer them accordingly. Left fox in the back, middle one in the middle and the one on the right in front of them.

(5) After separating the foxes I started on lifting their heads and tails. As well as thinking on how to do the hair patterns.

(6) The tails were actually more difficult than I thought. Overlapping the hair didn’t really work out as planned.

(7) I actually had to improvise with their bodies. Wasn’t really happy at first because of the immense high differences that slowly appeared.

(8) The more I got the patterns in though, the more I started to like it. Sometimes you need to get the complete picture before it starts to look good. I actually had a lot of trouble doing these flaps of fur.

(8) After completing the last fox I finished the carving with some sandpaper. The varnish was up next. Really happy how it turned out.


At the moment I’m working on a tribute woodcarving for a big Twitch streamer called TimTheTatman. Tim is an amazing streamer and I hope that my tribute shows him how much I appreciate that.


For those that are unaware, I do also stream all my woodworking endeavours live on As of right now I’ll also try to post on this blog at least once every two weeks. Interested in supporting and following my efforts of becoming a better woodworker? A follow on Steemit would mean the world to me.

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Much Love,


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