Learning to paint with watercolours! Weekly Obsessions: Week 1 - Tuesday

If you read yesterdays blog post, you know that I picked some flowers to use as a reference for my paintings practise today. I put them between sheets of paper, and pressed them under books over night. Unfortunately, not all of the flower turned out as well as I hoped. Some of the flower petals fell off, leaves folded in awkward ways, and they were still soggy and damp, which made them hard to move around. I should have let them be for some more days, just to let them dry completely before moving them. That would make them much easier to handle.

One of the leaves from a rowan tree turned out great, though, and I had something to work with. I sketched roughly the shape of the leaf, before started to paint. I probably used about two hours (including drying time between layers) on the painting, and I got to really understand how the watercolour works. The most challenging part was definitely the shading and blending colours. But it was fun, and I really recommend you to try it out yourself, if you want to practise watercolouring!




We'll see what kind of tasks I come up with tomorrow. Maybe I'll try to paint faces? Or do you have any suggestion? Feel free to leave a comment with tips to what I can try out, to become a better painter!

And until next time, learn something new!

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