"I do believe Marsellus my husband, your boss, told you to take me out and do whatever I wanted....

... now I wanna dance, I wanna win, I want that trophy.
So dance good."

Mia Wallace,
from the film that got me into doing lines of dialogue.


1- sketch until you find your image.

Think and draw idea quickly and loosely, this way if it doesn't work, who cares just throw it out and start over. Keep going until you get a sketch you are happy to commit to.

There were many thrown out sketches before I even got to this point yo see above.

The more I practice drawing from real life, the faster I am getting at sketching ideas from my imagination. It also helps me at this stage to look at different images and photos that can help me draw what I have in mind.

2- ink, cleanly.

go over the sketch and create linework, at this stage I am thinking about forms and how they connect, style, as well as line thickness and how the lines fit and work together. I zoom in a lot to make sure the lines are as clean as I can see, this is especially important for when the work will be printed.

I also adjust the drawing here if needed.

2- add colors

Think about here the light is coming from, and paint.
I used a frame from the movie to get my light clue.
I finally zoom in to do final checks and crop the image if I feel like it.


"catchup, get it?"

previous works in this series

Rebel Boy
Sherlock Holmes

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