Sand Art

At the weekend,me and my family go to ujong blang beach, as usual many people spend time on the beach for swimming, sunbathing while making sand castles, even just come to just play around the beach.
after swimming together with my two sons, we sat in the cafe while waiting for orders to drink young coconut and noodles.

The beach is one of the most popular sights, for you who have been to the beach may have done this, use a wood stick or empty hand and draw or writing on the sand beach.
I see 2 more young people built or create an woman image on the beach sand, I pretend not to pay attention to what they do so they can pour their inspiration in their paintings, and after they finish they want to smash the sea, I immediately took the smartphone to capture the image before the picture there who was destructive, when they saw they were laughed shyly. With the unique moment I want to share pictures with you all.

image Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!* ***

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