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Inktober 2019 Day 1 - Ring

I have not generally been one for drawing, but I starting doing a bit last year as some exercise for my weakened right hand. Then Inktober came along and it seemed like an excuse to draw some more. You can see my efforts are not great, but I seem to be able to draw things that look something like they should.

There is a fresh set of prompts this year that may inspire something in me. The first is 'Ring' and that brought Gollum to mind (My precious!). I thought he was very well portrayed in the Lord of the Rings movies by Andy Serkis and some amazing computer animation. So this drawing is based on that version.

In this instance he has found the one true Ring doorbell. He has to keep up with modern times. I am not sure Bilbo is going to let him in.

Something I really need to work on are hands and feet. They are so hard to draw. Who else is going to join in. A few Steemians did it last year and I hope it can be bigger this time. I may not be able to do one each day, but I will try to catch up where I miss any.

The prompts are:

  1. Ring
  2. Mindless
  3. Bait
  4. Freeze
  5. Build
  6. Husky
  7. Enchanted
  8. Frail
  9. Swing
  10. Pattern
  11. Snow
  12. Dragon
  13. Ash
  14. Overgrown
  15. Legend
  16. Wild
  17. Ornament
  18. Misfit
  19. Sling
  20. Tread
  21. Treasure
  22. Ghost
  23. Ancient
  24. Dizzy
  25. Tasty
  26. Dark
  27. Coat
  28. Ride
  29. Injured
  30. Catch
  31. Ripe

The geeky guitarist and facilitator of the 10K Minnows Project.