Sol Art Archive [Daily Illustration #1] // Introducing the Sol Art Archive - Public domain/creative commons materials

Everyday i'm going to publish a found material which is in the public domain or licenced under creative commons. Starting off the content will be Illustration, photography, video and audio. If you use any of these materials in a piece or a post, please leave a comment in any post and I'll link you in weekly compilation posts.

I'm building this curated archive using the LBRY app/protocol to share my efforts in finding interesting art materials. There is so much amazing work out there which is in the public domain or shared under creative commons. Artists from all disciplines need good source material for inspiration, collage, supplementary materials. It takes a lot of time to sort through everything that is out there, this is a collection of interesting public domain works.

If you are on LBRY, please subscribe to my channel and help host these materials!


What is public domain?
Public domain are materials that are always free to use in any way, to reuse, republish or remix. So feel free to use any of these materials as you like This means any copyright claim has expired, or the original creator wanted these materials always freely accessible. Read more about it on wikipedia

What about this LBRY app?
LBRY is a file torrent protocol married with a crypto-hashing database. This allows you to self host and publish media files in a distributed environment, but one which is easy to use, is searchable, and allows for selling of premium content.

Daily Illustration #1:

lbry://Grotesque Mirror (web based)

Grotesque old man

Grotesque old man with flattened nose in profile to left.jpg

If you find these materials useful, please subscribe, throw me an upvote here on steem, or send me a tip on the LBRY app, thanks!

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