📍 Don't get stuck trying to find your passion, live and passion will find you.

Hi Steemit friends, do you ever feel lost trying to look for your own hidden talent? That one purpose or something you are so good at that it may be the one thing you live to do or doing for a living and you just love it? Have you found it? If yes I am truly happy for you, if not I am with you.


However I stopped looking, stopped finding and forcing it instead, I try learning new things. There is no doubt that some of us are gifted with their brain, voice, the way they move or even their drive and patience and they are just so good at what they showcase to the world and as for myself; I can't sing for nuts (I even enrolled for a singing class when I was younger) thanks to my younger self for being true and admitted it wasn't for me. I am one of those guys who can do a bit of many things but an expert of none. They called this kind of people "Duck" because the ducks can walk, swim and fly but not too good in any of those in particular.

I used to get so frustrated about it until last year, I stumbled on a talk on YouTube.

Stop searching for your passion by Terri Trespicio on TED TALK and I thought I really could relate to that.

I really love the way she did the talk, reminded me a lot of Rachel Green. Who is equally lost as I am. Here is the link:

That was when I started trying new things just for the sake of you know, trying.

Recently since I have moved to Bangkok, I have many great opportunities to attend workshops of my interests in hope to learn to really appreciate those activities and see if I would like to further pursuing them. Last month I went of a piping class; creating beautiful life-like flowers from buttercream on a cake. I had an amazing time and would love to do it again when I own a bigger place and oven.

Last Saturday my best friend and I attended "Macrame Bag Class"


"Macrame" is an art form of textile produced by knotting (rather than weaving or knitting) techniques that came from a 13th-century Arabic weavers' word migramah meaning "fringe" which referred to the decorative fringes on camels and horses which helped, amongst other things, to keep the flies off the animal in the hot desert regions of northern Africa.

This class was about how to create a piece of textile that can be compiled into a bag using nothing but your two good hands and ropes! I found it so fascinating. I have always been a black color girl so I went for black when it came to choosing the rope color and it was a really bad idea. The pattern could hardly be seen and when I made mistakes somewhere it was so hard to find where exactly was thing spot. On top of that, it gets dusty super easily so my advice is; DON'T

Anyway here is what you will find in a provided bag:


Plus a cloth hanger from IKEA for you to tie on the rope to hold your textile piece.


We began from a small piece because the workshop was from 10 AM-5 PM even that we could barely finish the bag... Started with 16 knots and made my way down to the bottom!


We kept on knotting the next thing we knew it was lunch time and we were actually looking forward to the provided lunch!


We were so hungry due to the punishment from my friend's mom that we sneaked out from the house the night before during my sleepover and we got caught therefore, no breakfast was our punishment and yes we are 2 grown women at an age of 28. Asian parents...


They had a menu for selection of lunch, mine was fried rice. It was so-so.

Here is my almost finished product looks like!


And here is me being the black sheep in the group and thought black was cooler and it wasn't!


Clearly mine was not the best version of it, the lady who taught us said another 5 more times and I could be an expert. I asked her how many years has she been knotting she said almost 2 years and she found this passion of her through the time when she was jobless. Now that it is her day to day job, her hobby and her passion. I got a whole picture of this passion thing even clearer from her.

Unfortunately, this is still not for me but blogging on Steemit could be. I am no where near a good writer but I found myself keep coming back to this place and telling stories. Now everywhere I go I snap pictures so I could share with you guys about my day even my posts have not been on trending nor get a lot of upvotes but it is fund to read other stories while exchanging them with my own.


I hope one day my passion will finally find me until then I will keep on trying different things to do and enjoy life.

Thank you for reading, I appreciate every single one of your comment, upvote, resteem or even just by visiting.

Big big love,

Annie xo

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