"If I were to die tomorrow" poem - Let's talk. New Job. Bujo.


I'm here again sharing my first ever bujo (bullet journal) pages. The very first one I did and hopefully I'll be doing more soon. I wanted this to be the most authentic. The very clean version of me. So one of the phrases I used was the "if I were to die tomorrow" and this is what I wrote:

If I were to die tomorrow, I'd want you to know that even the worst days were worth it,because they were the cost of finding myself. My own strength and bravery. And I'd pay it again, a thousand times over just to find me.


Also I've been MIA because I got I need job. And I'm so very happy. It is not exactly what I wanted to do but it's what I need right now. I'm very excited to have a purpose. To feel tired at the end of the day. To feel proud of myself. And actually not overthink too much. Also I'm very happy about the paycheck. Lol. What can I say? A girl needs to buy her books. Anyway hope you like the following pictures from my bujo.



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