The woman in pink is ready to dry ^_^

Even if I want to paint a similar subject oon canvas, I wanted to try it on a sheet of paper too. Yes, it's the woman in pink that is in my mind since I saw a "real" woman in pink like this while I was walking on the streets of my city. 

Noe this oil painting on paper (a sheet A4 size of 200 gr paper) is ready to dry and I'm thinking to start (as soon as possible) a similar painting on a canvas too. The canvas will be bigger than this, sure, so I could add more details ^_^

Painting on paper I can see if a subject work as I want in a fast way, because a painting on paper in this size needs less time to work and it dry faster. Sure, the effects that I can do on paper are different from the effect I can do on canvas, but it's always an interesting way to study a subject ^_^

Well, I have to cook for dinner now, my hubby seems hungry!^_^

See ya soon


silvia beneforti

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