Inktober #16: angular - the angular face

 Today is the 16th day of Inktober (you can read more about it here) and the prompt is "ANGULAR". Reading the Oxford dictionary, one of the meanings of this word is:

 (of a person or part of their body) lean and having a prominent bone structure.

I didn't need to search the meaning of this word, because it came from the latin angulus and so in my mother language (italian) is very similar ^_^

Reading the different meanings in the Oxford dictionary (I use it when I have some doubt about a word), I didn't find a meaning that this word has in Italian. You have to know that, when we have to talk about something with angles, we use the synonym "spigoloso". We use this synonym not just for things or for some parts of a body, but also as an adjective for the temperament. When a person is a little bit susceptible and surly we call him/her "spigoloso/a" (maybe you don't know, but in my mother language we use to end a word with an "o" if we are talking about a man and with an "a" if we're talking about a woman).

So, today, I sketched a spigolosa face!

The idea came to me in a very simple way: I started drawing a simple angle on a page of my sketch journal!

This was the first step:

This simple first step reminds me a funny exercise I did when I was a child at school. My teacher, to improve out imagination, sketched some simple lines on a sheet of paper, asking to the students to create something from those simple lines! It was a great exercise for us and a funny way to improve our imagination.

Starting from that angle, I add an open eye and a closed eye, a mouth and everything that we can find on a face ^_^

Simple, but funny!

See ya later and happy Inktober!


silvia beneforti

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