My Recent #maysketchaday Sketches

Dear friends,

as you might know, I'm participating in this year's #maysketchaday, where I basically "exercise daily to build immunity to perfectionism. Any medium, anything goes."

In this post I want to show you my latest works, that I created under this tag. Let's start with today's sketch:

May, 11th

"Softfork" - Pencil on Paper

I call this piece "Softfork", because the small circles remind me of a blockchain, where the arm and leg actually are forks of the original body (and the fingers and toes are forks of the arm and leg).

May, 10th

Abstract dAdA - Digital Art

My 10th #maysketchaday was a digital drawing at made in reply to a visual convo about "Abstract Expressionism".

May, 9th

"A General's Decision" - Digital Art

My 9th sketch was done using ArtRage and has been an entry for this @adsactly illustration contest.

May, 8th

"IT-Girl" - Digital Art

My 8th sketch was again done using ArtRage and my trackpad. Mind the #8!

May, 7th

"Chain Squad" - Digital Art

My 7th #maysketchaday was made using CorelPainter and I release it under CC-BY, so feel free to make a colored version.

May, 6th

"Seahorse" - Artvideo Screenshot

For the 6th sketch I have chosen a screenshot from this artvideo called "A Swarm of Seahorses on a Coral Reef of Weed". It is a remix video based on the photos of @roused and music by @katharsisdrill.

May, 5th

"Golden Rain" - Digitally manipulated Photo

My 5th work was a digital image manipulation made with a very cool app called Glitché. It actually shows some real golden rain from our garden.

May, 4th

"Max ICO" - Digital Drawing

The 4th sketch was done using the opensource drawing tool Krita and you can get a high-res CC-BY-SA version at my @creativechain account.

May 3rd-1st

I already published the first three #maysketchaday's in this post about Art and Blockchain, so here are just the images again without further explanations:

"FORK" - Acrylic on Canvas Paper

"Novice" - Digital Drawing

"ATH" - Digital Drawing

I also posted the works on my twitter account and have received a lot of likes and retweets, so if you're also on twitter, feel free to follow me and spread the word. I think (besides Steemit) it's a great place to interact with fellow crypto artists.

Which is your favorite? Please tell me in the comments!

Thanks for watching!

@shortcut - 2everything


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