Scenes of Nature Art Contest: Entries (Part 3)


This is the third showcase of entries for my Scenes of Nature Art Conest. The contest is now closed, but I won't be announcing the winners until I've featured every submitted piece that met the qualifications.

Before the features, I'd like to make a little plug for my recently completed animation. To support my work, please take a look at this post.

And here they are!


Often there's beauty in simplicity. This is the case in @sheletor's painting of trees against a clear blue sky. There's a very nice use of complimentary colours in this piece.

Look at the original post here.


The next piece of the day comes from @julian2018. I'm a sucker for hand artwork, probably because I went on a big hand binge a few years ago. In this surreal piece, there's an ocean within man's cupped hands and a jumping dolphin.

Take a look at original post to give the artist an upvote.


@zoniaespina is the artist behind this stunning painting. Madre Naturaleza depicts a woman in the earth surrounded by a world teaming with life. There are sea shells, fish, flowers all around Mother Nature, the source of it all.

Go to the original post and give the artist an upvote.


This is a strange, surreal painting by @majo1989. In Criatura del Bosque, a decidedly unnatural figure stands in the midst of a dark forest. It's twisted face and its many eyes peer at the viewer. Most strange of all, there are disembodied eyes floating through the trees.

Head on over to the original post here to give the artist some love!


The last piece of the day is a vibrant entry by @paskadom. Nature in my Perspective shows a young girl reading while lying in the grass and flowers. She's distracted from her book by a bird that's landed on her hand. Behind her is a mystical scene of stars and birds. The galaxies above make a silhouette of a stag.

Here's the original post for your viewing and voting pleasure.

That's all the art for today. Look out for more tomorrow!

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