Hard At Work

I haven't been able to check on my hives this year, like I wanted to. My son got injured and I need him to help me pick on the supers that are heavy. That's ok, they will have plenty of honey to make it through the winter, and I'll get in them in the spring. My son and I have 5 hives now. Getting my Bee Venom Therapy! LOL It never fails, I always get stung. I'm used to it by now. Did you know that the Honey Bee accounts for 80% of all insect pollination? Without these ladies, we would see a significant decrease in the yield of fruits and vegetables. That's my bit of information for today. I love my bees, and chickens, and gardening. My life some how, comes out on my canvas, so here's a peek at the hard workers I have flying around.

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