'Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.' -Degas

willow winding paths, chalk pastels. 36"x24".

Lend me your eyes, I can change what you see...
I believe everyone sees the world a little bit differently. Could it be, that my blue is your orange? How many different types of synesthesia exist? Could we be 'feeling' colors more than we realize? Colorblindness can affect our perceptions, as well as its opposite- tetrachromacy. A tetrachromatic person will see 10 times the amount of colors than that of a 'normal' sighted person; due to an extra cone existing within the eye.

Kalos Eidos Skopeo, chalk and colored pencil. 18"x24"

My grandmother had a near death experience as a child where she saw colors that she couldn't describe, she said they didn't exist in this world. It could be argued her brain was being deprived of oxygen- as she was drowning. But maybe in some other realm of existence- an entirely different spectrum of light and colors exists. Or! These colors exist all around us, and only some -like tetrachromats, or animals such as mantis shrimp (which have ultraviolet, infrared and polarized light vision)- are able to perceive them.

untitled, colored pencil over India ink. 24"x18".

Regardless of what colors we can or cannot "see", everyone observes different parts of life depending on their mind, their focus, their attitude, their surroundings. As an artist, I try to observe what others don't have the time or mind to, a different angle... a different perception. I want to give to you, my audience, the opportunity and perhaps the ability- to notice the colors that I see.

color frequency, chalk pastels. 13"x7".

I have never seen a brown tree, I see many colors within the bark that end up making what appears to be 'brown'. I see colors in the sky that don't make sense to everyone. Sometimes it takes a little more effort to define what hues are actually present, but I hope that my art can help pull these colors forward for you--- because it's a fascinating spectrum out there :)

colored pencil over India ink. 18"x24".

"This garden universe vibrates complete
Some may get a sound so sweet
Vibrations reach on up to become light
And then through gamma, out of sight
Between the eyes and ears there lie
The sounds of color and the light of a sigh
And to hear the sun, what a thing to believe
But it's all around if we could but perceive
To know ultra violet, infra-red and X-rays
Beauty to find in so many ways
Two notes of the chord, that's our full scope
But to reach the chord is our life's hope
And to name the chord is important to some
So they give a word and the word is Om"
-The Moody Blues, 'The Word/Om'

momentum, chalk pastels. 24"x18".

Wintergarden, chalk pastels. 10"x36".

woods study#11, colored pencil over stained paper. 9"x13".

figment, colored pencil over India inks. 18"x24".

mountain mama, chalk pastels. 18"x24".

Included in this post are some of my earlier more traditional landscapes, I hope you've enjoyed them! :)

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