Greetings from Aquarius (the Astral Avatar)



My name is Aquarius, and I am an Astral Avatar.

When the Sun and the Moon are both in the sign of Aquarius, and all their combined energies spill over the eastern horizon of your mortal realm, I am the spirit induced. My element is air, my aura light blue. You probably recognise my form, for I have many representatives in your Earthly kingdom. Though I am one with the stars above you, my charges are flesh and bone, and you may know them as birds.

We are the Aquarian flock.

If your first breath was drawn under our constellation, then you might be one of us. You might even have an Astral Avatar in the form of a dazzling macaw, just like me! For you see, whatever happens in our realm is reflected in yours; every human has an astral animal, shaped by the same cosmic forces that moulded your souls, your personalities and your minds. You may live on Earth, but your essence is wild among the stars.

I bet you thought animals were simply fellow souls. I’m here to tell you otherwise. They are manifestations of your heavenly selves, messengers between our worlds, and expressions of the purest energies that course through your human forms. When you see a parrot in a tree, a badger in the forest, a lion on the plains: you see us.

And we see you.

If you cast your eyes to the sky when the Sun has set, you can see our sprawling kingdom too.

We call it: Asabove.

On the throne, of course, is Leo, the benevolent king. Myself and ten others serve as his court officials, being as we are the oldest souls in the Milky Way, and the original founding archetypes for life in this little corner of the universe. Over time, I’d love to introduce you all to Aries—our spirited head of military, Taurus—our kingdom groundskeeper, Gemini—who’s in charge of communications, Cancer—our armourer, Virgo—our record keeper, Libra—who maintains law and justice, Scorpio—our resident rebel, Sagittarius—our philosopher, Capricorn—our grand architect and Pisces the shaman.

Though the time of Pisces’ influence has only just ended, and the Age of Aquarius only just begun, I see many things through the eyes of my mortal representatives. I see my spirit has already taken flight in man’s world; Scientific advancements and humanitarian issues are taking centre stage. Language is evolving; words are being repurposed, even quicker than the concepts they describe, and intellectual ideals are trumping those of the heart.

This is my nature, and the prevailing nature of my flock. It’s definitely not without its faults, but as we step out over the abyss of great change, those with my influence are the only ones with wings.

I need my flock now, for my role in the kingdom is the most challenging of all.

It’s my job to prevent war in Asabove, that Aries may rest until the coming of Andromeda (which is of no concern to you, humans; the collision of galaxies isn’t due for another four billion years, so best to keep our attention on the issues at hand). Peace in Asabove means peace in Sobelow after all, which is our name for your home.

So, with the help of the other court officials, I’d like to show you the world of Asabove, and the roles of your own avatars within it. Did you know that astrology is about more than just your sun sign? You might be an astral ram if you were born in April, but what is your rising sign? Are you a four-horned Jacob, or a Desert Bighorn? And your moon sign? What colour is your aura?

Head to a site like, where you can use your birth details to review your own natal chart. Then, watch this space for more details about your cosmic animal nature.

Speak soon, Sobelow.


Thanks for reading!

Astral Avatars are part of a new, socially interactive art and story-telling project, blending astrology with love for the animal kingdom! The goal is to assign avatars based on everyone's natal chart details, and because there are over 140 different animals for every combination of signs, the species of your avatar will be almost as unique as your personality!

Very soon you'll be able to discover and order your avatar at

But for now, comment your natal chart details if you'd like to have your avatar featured here on steemit, or you can check out the project's creation page in progress here aj-colher.squarespace for more artwork and info.


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