Astral Avatars// Banderas (Antonio Banderas)


Banderas is a Feline from the celestial realms of Asabove. Specifically from the starry Centaurus (Leo, Decan 2), a city blessed by Jupiter. As a result of this blessing, Centaurus boasts many places of higher learning, and residents are encouraged to travel for the sake of mental expansion. Native Avatars are typically fortunate, even when times seem bleak, and are charming story-tellers.

He was formed at the point in time when Antonio Banderas took his first mortal breath, and is the result of a specific heavenly constitution, including: Leo Sun in the 6th house, Aries Moon in the 1st, Pisces in the 1st and a Sagittarius Midheaven.

As the Sun creates the ego, its position at the time of birth speaks of one’s essence, and because Leo occupies the 6th house of health and routine in Banderas’ chart, this makes for a playful feline who expresses himself in his daily work; the perfect placement for an actor!

From his inner Martian influences emanates the colour red—indicative of the passion and fierce individuality of an Arian mindset.

The Feline: The light of the Sun filtered through the constellation of Leo produces the cosmic feline. Earthly representatives of this energy are impelled by Leonian nature—ruler of the house of creativity and disciple of the Sun. Just as the solar system revolves around its sun, the Leo is a ray of hope and life for his pride. Everybody associates Leo with the lion, and with good reason; he is the perfect representative of the benevolent king, and though some of his cousins are more solitary creatures, they are all kings of their own territories. They attract admiration and exude grace, until you step over their boundaries!

The Tiger: If the Sun shapes the ego than the Rising Sign forms its outer shell, or, in Banderas’ case, the specific type of feline. Pisces Rising is known by mankind as the Tiger. A water element, Pisces dampens the fire of Leo and gives the Tiger its serene appearance. In fact, mortal representatives of the cosmic tiger love to swim! They are solo hunters—capable of taking down bigger prey than any other predator—and yet they exhibit the gentleness and compassion of Pisces by sharing their meals with other tigers! Another Pisces trait? Mother Bear syndrome! Other animals know well enough never to disturb her cubs.

And with Sun conjunct Uranus, this is one tiger who hates to be stereotyped. He is intuitive and quirky, and puts consistent effort into humanitarian work.

The Trophy Pendant: Avatars who earn pendants are those who embody the lessons of their Midheaven (AKA: 10th house), the house of career and public image. For Banderas, this pendant comes in the form of a trophy, the symbol of Sagittarius—because rising above their next challenge is the name of their game! With wise and fun-loving personas on top of an unstoppable drive to learn, they are the high achievers of their careers.


Thanks for reading!

Astral Avatars are part of a new, socially interactive art and story-telling project, blending astrology with love for the animal kingdom! The goal is to assign avatars based on everyone's natal chart details, and because there are over 140 different animals for every combination of signs, the species of your avatar will be almost as unique as your personality!

Very soon you'll be able to discover and order YOUR OWN avatar at

But for now, comment your natal chart details (available at: if you'd like to have your avatar featured here on steemit, or you can check out the project's creation page in progress here for more artwork and info.


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