David by Michelangelo a Reproduction in the V&A (Victoria & Albert Museum)

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A reproduction of Michelangelo's 'David' I photographed over the summer (2017) in London... I am always amazed by the detail and the delicacy Michelangelo handled marble... I chose the detail showing the tendons in the hand as the main image...


The understanding of the figure and anatomy is quite incredible... Though I am an artist I rarely read about other artists, except looking at their work... And did not know till recently that Michelangelo also used to dissect cadavers (corpses) as Leonardo did, knew about Leonardo as have looked at his anatomical drawings... But not Michelangelo... Then looking at his work / art and 'David' it is not at all surprising...

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Also the scale of the sculpture... Whether you love art or not, I can not help feeling that any can admire not just Michelangelo's skill but his sheer artistry... Now, it would be easy to sculpt like this, scan a body in to a computer and make a 3D model in the computer, then programme a robot to carve it... Same way they make cars... Though there are other techniques to do this as well now... That is one of the things about time... and art how they change... This reproduction is actually cast from the original a few hundred years ago I think it was... But even the casting is a technical achievement...

David... Michelangelo...

Russell Hand © ® The photographs and text not the sculpture obviously...

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