Fantastic world of fans

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What can be compared to the captivating power of the fan? That is so beautiful part of our life as this exquisite item? It was the fan that spread into all spheres of human existence. The most exquisite accessory that captivates not only women but also men with its power and beauty

Gunsen fighting samurai fan, Japa

The art of creating a fan is a very subtle and multifaceted act in different historical times. Fan art is a vivid example when nature gives a person tips on how to subtly Express their thoughts and emotions

A fan is both simple and difficult. Lifted a large piece of wood is already a fan, simply. Make a fan of some material-and simple and difficult. Who doesn't make a paper fan in the form of an accordion? Especially when the office is hot...

If you look into the storerooms of museums, then you can make sure that the fan is a particularly fine art not only for artists, but also for masters of wood carving, for weavers, masters of embroidery. Although all of them can simply be called artists of life, creators of beauty

Fighting samurai fan, Japan

Poets and writers had a hand in the fan. Poems, stories, spells, aphorisms-all put on the fan

On the fan applied puzzles and puzzles, crosswords to brighten up a languid evening

In some countries or cities fan art fashion is preserved throughout life. South Palmyra-this is the city where the fan always serves the beauty and practical manifestation. Venus is worn by many women, even in everyday life. In the summer he is simply irreplaceable. How can you go to the theater without a fan? It's not even entirely considerate... The fan (my-og) occupies a certain niche in traditional Japanese dances and in the Kabuki theatre. To convey the emotional state with the help of a fan is an art

The whole ages are connected with the fan. Its appearance is marked by history in the East XIII-II century BC. Agree, very worthy age. Of which not only made fans: feather fans of utive in China were made of bird feathers and Lotus and reeds. If you list all the materials, probably not enough pages... The Japanese Emperor was simply fascinated by the gift of a fan

This exquisite item spread very quickly in Japan. Even faster fan masters came up with new designs and implemented in life. In ancient times, the analogy of our magic wand in Japan was just a fan. 

There is even a strictly regulated form of art Utiva-E. Masters applied a beautiful woodcut on the round shape of the fan. The emblem of the Japanese Kobe consists of two fans, which is placed on the flag of the city. As you can see, the fan culture is very developed in Japan nowadays

In the evening found different application. They sifted grain, he participated in sporting events and enjoyed the authority of the samurai. The saihai is a signal fan of the samurai. History with fans of China and Japan so intertwined that everyone refers to each other. Historians are of the opinion that an ordinary fan appeared first in China, and a folding fan was invented in Japan

Even there is an unusual Japanese legend. Master veermiku in the era of Tenji feet fell dead bat. Having examined the curious structure of its wing, the master came up with the idea to make a fan like wing mouse. So there were new folding fans that are very comfortable to carry. Combat folding fan has received the name of Thyssen

Combat fans could be used in open and closed positions. A folded fan could bring a person out of balance. An open fan could redirect the impact force of a flying arrow. All this reminds me of fights in the form of fairy dances. It seems that all the processes in which the fan is involved look very elegant and subtle. The Japanese even in the battles I wanted everything to be beautiful... Men fear women ninja, they masterfully owned martial Tassinari. The example of kitana from the game " Mortal Kombat"

A fan is an excellent gift! It brings happiness and prosperity. If more of you from a fan to write wishes is double strong effect of its implementation

In today's world, it is fashionable now to live by Feng Shui. As they say, create harmony around you... So, Feng Shui offers the following:

  • you want to drive away all evil-wear a fan or decorate their house
  • the fan is a symbol of eternal life (the wind God Nemiz is to blame)
  • the fan is an erotic symbol
  • want to quickly achieve the goal-the fan should be a peacock or eagle
  • attract health will help the fan with the image of cedar or spruce
  • the increase in Finance - school of fish
  • improve the relationship will help a fan of gold with the image of paired images

How to activate your fan?

Everything brilliant is simple - just wave it around you! Okay! Talisman is activated!

Folding fans were brought to Europe in the early 17th century. At the court of Louis XIV it was a cult! The ladies had to learn to use this tool. Only aristocrats could wear the fan. There were many rules with the use of a fan at the court of Louis XIV. The lady's fan could only be opened in front of the Queen. All this corresponded to the Baroque era, where the ceremony was of great importance

The fan appeared in the society of Europe at the right time. Many prohibitions and restrictions for women in the expression of their emotions led to a whole language of secret gestures with a fan. Give something into the hands of a woman, she will quickly find a use for it

In the XVII century in Spain there is a fan language, then distributed throughout Europe

So the eighteenth century (the Rococo era) becomes the secret era of flirtation and coquetry. A magic wand was made by a fan. With a slight movement of the fan ladies could completely tell the gentleman what they want and what they do not accept. So there was the most amazing and secret language of the fan in the Rococo era

In the XIX century the fan language became so popular that special Academies for its study were opened in Paris and London. But it should be noted that English fans were different from French, German - Russian, etc. This created great inconvenience in communicating between a knight and a lady of different nationalities. Over time, the "fan language" turned from a means of communication into an elegant game

Just think how many tasks around the world and in history the fan performs. Here you have learned only some of them...

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