World Building, Character Concept, Art Story Elements

This post is part of a ground works series for a self initiated animated project. The images do not represent final art. It's a way of doing visual development and when ready, 3D models will be created.



These are preliminary sketches of Shinnick. The only thing I knew about them was that I would give them an elongated skull and multiple skin colors. The elongated head is not a look you see very often because it's hard to keep it cool and not awkwardly cartoony. I'm really still not sure about their design. I'll have to keep working on it. I'm just getting stuff out of my head.


They are rulers with advanced technology but I also want them to be modest in their ways. I like the idea that they have advanced technology but they are living in harmony with nature instead of destroying it.

Although not main characters, The Shinnick are more than just part of the backdrop for the story. They will be integral in most of the scenes as observers.



In the time before recorded history...

the Shinnick controlled the whole of the Earth, which was named Daini at that time. They were off world visitors to our planet. Sometimes called the sky people but their means of travel was a mystery.

Their world was called 9471 Anakheim Prime, whether this was another planet, plain of existence or something else entirely was never understood.

With advanced technology they tamed nature and made the people in their image. They taught them many things including knowledge of the three realms of existence, but the people only experiencing the physical realm could not comprehend. The Shinnick looked very much as we do now but stood over us as giants, most between 7 to 12 feet tall including an elongated skull. They were powerfully built and not seen to age.

In actuality they were able to rejuvenate their physical bodies and their queen was set to rule for 10,000 years.


  • For some people this could be confusing because it's only a piece of a larger puzzle. For those familiar with Sci-fi and fantasy themes it could feel right at home.
  • The Shinnick are an interpretation of the Anunnaki, Gods of the Sumerians, with a big influence from ancient astronaut theory.
  • The story I'm working on here is something like Dragonball Z meets Conan with a lot of other influences.

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