
Model : Nelson Mandela

Drawing materials : 20 × 18 cm paper ( A4 paper or cardboard) , a ball point pen ( e.g Bic pen)

Pen art by :: Rf Abol

The first step when drawing or sketching with ballpoint pen, firstly use gridlines or line numbering scaling with reference to the main picture to get the accurate sketch out of the image in the photo with a very light graphite pencil such as 2H, a graphite pencil will be necessary because of mistakes and error, incase if the right sketch is not well outlined.

After you have the sketch , then use the ballpoint pen to shade by using a cross hatching strokes very close and light, not thick yet to get the appropriate coverage for the areas of light and darkness, on sketch according to the way it is in the reference photo image


Ensure that all areas of the sketch is cross hatched with respect to drawing


Repeat the cross hatching across the different areas lightly to form a facial appearances , pay slight attention to the eye, the nose, nostrils dark shading, for the hairs apply a scribbling shading to form first layer for the suppose dark hair.
Pay attention to detailings as well!


Now the very last step is to bring out the originality, the reality, detailings, and to get life to the pen art by putting in right shade graduation, shading lightly or dark with respect to the light effect on the photo or reference image
To achieve this, the cross hatched areas should be given more attention.The strokes should be very tight, and close and thicken in such a way that it will loook blur to the dark areas and will bring a more realistic effect, the light areas effect should be considered and the hairs should be deeply dark where necessary detailings to the eyebrow, the pupil and eye lashes etc are always needed. Hence it should be considered.
Thus you can compare the pen art sketch with the main picture used as reference

"Image source for the left side- google"

To get a more realistic pen art or pen sketch,Keep this in mind
The darker the berry , the sweeter the juice. I mean shade with pen with confidence
As if you won't make mistakes, so when you shade shade deep and dark when
neccessary .
I present to you,Nelson Mandela a man whose words and heart ever beats for FREEDOM.


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