The Truth

The Truth


The Truth.jpg
The Bitter Cold Truth

It's good to be here again

Oh, my, goodness! It's been awhile. Hope you guys are doing alright. I've actually been doing a lot of stuff since I was away from here. Mainly making this short animation film and learning day trading along the way. It has, well, truly been an experience. With this animation project however, it has taken me about 3 months to finally finish it. And I have to say, I am immensely proud on how it turned out. The animation may seem a little strange, but I think you'll find its hidden meaning.


Honestly, this may be a bit darker than my normal animations that I usually make. I was fed up on how things were going on in the world and how things were going on in the United States. So I wanted to take my own experiences, my own thoughts, my own feelings, and translate that into an animation. It was the only thing I could do, rather than sitting and thinking about it. It was the only way I could get my thoughts straight. And that's what I like to share with you today.


I'll only highlight some of the things that I've worked on in this project because I don't want to spoil too much of the animation. The first thing that I started out with was obviously a storyboard. I had a lot of thoughts and idea's when it came to this project, and sometimes my mind would be sporadic. So I needed to take those thoughts and ideas and focus it on one spot, like the top of a point on a sword. Don't mind the funny looking drawings on the right. I was being very simple. But it definitely got the job done (lol).


I call these people, the lost ones.

I think the major highlight of this project was using Mixamo they have tons of pre-made animations and free character models to use. It definitely speeds up the animation process and work load. But for the rest of the animations, I made them my self. I chose this mannequin model because it looked creepy, ominous, and overall it fit the theme of what I was going for. I mean, just look at it. It has no face. Spooky.

Mixamo animations.jpg

So then, I proceeded to bring in the mannequin model into blender and texture it. I was trying to go for an entity like being. Such as, a lost soul or an empty husk trying to gain back its humanity. I think it's pretty cool the way the texture turned out.

Texture Screenshot.jpg

That's all the content i'm going to cover for today, because again I want you guys to see it and watch it for yourself. I'm really proud of this project and myself. I just really needed to get these thoughts out of my head and into an animation. It may not get many views on youtube, but I know for sure that people here will appreciate this. I'm also grateful for the support that I have received all of these years that I've been on this platform, you guys have my eternal gratitude, so thank you. I also want to give my thanks to @daltono. He told me that there was a platform for animation videos, which is super cool. So I'm definitely going to be checking out

Santos Sanata - I played all my cards

I think I'm going to take deltono's advice and start making super small projects. Projects that don't take so much time. But I also need to be careful not to burn myself out in the process (lol). So, I'm going to try and post more animations. Of course it'll be the same top quality. I just don't want to be away from you guys for so long. I forgot to add that this animation took about a week to render, which is the longest that I've every had to render something, sheeeesh.

And as always, have a good one guys,
until next time, peace and thank you.

And thus, the journey begins again.

Programs used:
Adobe Premiere
After Effects
Adobe illustrator


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