Strife Juice grows on Strife Trees!

4 Racehorsemen 1.91.jpg

The water is really coming along. I've found one of my biggest difficulties in getting details the past week is that my detail brushes have all been worn down to nubs. I need to get some new ones. There just hasn't been time in a bit. Going to have to make time.

Aside from working more on the water, I also added a bit more texture to the tree - haven't expanded its size yet, but I'll get there! Decided first to put some fruit on it. So we see now, the blocked version of a bunch of beer bottles. This orange colour is the midtone. They'll be much less pumpkin-y when I get those new detail brushes. Or sooner. We'll see what we can do!

I do love beer. I think it's tasty. It is definitely strife juice for some people, though. I'm a giggler, not a fighter. I've met many a fighter!

I chose beer for this tree because of how much work the PCs are putting into making alcohol cheaper and more available while working hard to cut things like mental health support, healthcare, and general services. Another forgotten detail regarding the Beer store and LCBO (Ontario's licensed liquor and beer major companies) is that the contracts we have with them are a major source of income to the province. We tax alcohol heavily, which is one reason why it's so expensive. As it should be. Cancelling those contracts will cost money, first of all - usually many millions of dollars, but then we also lost the billions of collected tax dollars from the establishments.

So sure, you'll get your beer for a buck. It'll be shitty beer, but you'll get it. What you won't get, is proper medical attention when your liver stops working, or you get alcohol poisoning, or if you're caught in a car crash because someone was driving under the influence.

In case you haven't been following along with previous posts, I'm really really really mad!!!

In other, much more pleasant news, props are coming along nicely for my Fringe show. When they're a bit more prepared, I'll make a post about them. Until then, just more teasing. for purchase inquiries and commissions.
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