Sold! Seaweed is Greener!


In spite of the critique I gave myself a few days ago when I posted this, it turns out this piece IS finished. Not as I might leave it longterm otherwise, but by merit of someone loving it enough as-is to buy it! I'm so happy!

It's very happy news after a crazy few days. We went to a family wedding yesterday. A wee drive out of town, so we stayed at a hotel in Hamilton nearby. Mikey had to bus all the way to Port Elgin, drive back with his mum to pick me up, and then out to the hotel. Only after we got there did he realize he'd left his suit at home. We briefly toyed with the idea of trying to find him a new one in the morning, but that was a financially irresponsible idea, and stressful to boot, so he drove off again back home to go collect his suit bag, and kiss the cat on her little bean head one more time.

As it turned out, we wouldn't have had time to find him a suit in the morning, because Katie, Mikey's mum's 14 year old Bijon Poodle that was staying in the hotel with us had uncontrollable diarrhea, which took a turn for the worse in the morning, and required immediate medical attention. Poor thing reacted badly to some meds for a heart murmur, and ended up getting an intestinal infection.

The wedding itself was lovely. We're home now, and I get to pack this sweet little mermaid up to go to its new home tomorrow afternoon. for purchase inquiries and commissions.
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