Summer butterfly. My artwork step-by-step

This is my new work in watercolor. I did it in support of lazy artists who think that in order to draw a picture you need a lot of time, materials, fantasy, and generally no time, and still it will not work, because they have two left hands. It turns out!
Let's get started!
Such a carefree butterfly flying in the summer coolness and aromas of herbs and flowers.
And, of course, intermediate pictures.
Any drawing begins with a sheet.
We take a clean (untill now) piece of thick paper.

I apologize for the quality of the photos, the lighting was not so good for the photos. I scanned the final work and there is clearly shows all the colors.
We wet our sheet (this is a method for lazy artists, when the picture itself draws, and you have nothing left to do other than to look at how the picture is drawn and lazily drive with a brush on paper). On the wet sheet, we designate the body of a butterfly.
We immediately note two important factors:

  1. The butterfly's body is much smaller and thinner than the wings, so make it small.
  2. The butterfly's wings are symmetrical. Therefore, we (like lazy artists), we need to come up with only half a butterfly, and half - repeat)))
    We begin to spot on wet paper to determine the approximate! Shape of the wings:

No need to be modest - the wings should be big!) Butterfly wings, it's like eyes in manga drawings - the more, the more beautiful))

Together with the shape of the wings, we immediately determine the color (we are lazy, so that we do not to do dobble work - one spot will be and the color and shape)))) of the wings and with smaller spots we can already outline the pattern of the wings. (One wing is planned, the second is repeated, do not forget!)
When the wings are already outlined, but you are at the mercy of inspiration and do not want to stop at this stage, then by spraying with a brush you can add here such dynamic splash lines.
This will give a picture of the dynamics, and our butterfly will not just be glued to the leaf, but will soar among ... imagine for yourself, among which our butterfly flies.


And that's all!
Resolutely postpone the brush when the butterfly is still visible behind the spray, it will come in handy. Leave this masterpiece to dry.
After the drawing has dried, we arm ourselves with black (or blue or red, depending on your coloring), and draw the details of the butterfly and wings! And all - the picture is ready, you can win the contest!

Wish to everybody good and creative inspiration!

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