Cynics to power / Painting (Creative process)


Hello steemians, I present the second work of my new theme through painting

The obligation to transmit in the form of a protest from my position, is driven by the feeling of anger at despicable acts such as the cynicism of saying through different means of communication that all is well, that everything is going well in a country that is deteriorates more and more with the passing of days, this is where I reinforce the main idea of ​​cynicism because it speaks of socialism and the vast majority of the people live in dissidence and infinite concerns to study, work, move, eat and enjoy basic services essential for a nation that goes in "construction". This theme defends my ideals because not only is it a political criticism but also a social one, because I believe that as Venezuelans we have accepted many injustices and in some way we continue to contribute to the country's demise, always taking things lightly and closing us to the idea that a nation is forged by its society, but a society full of values, knowledge and the power to bring positive things in it through true education and civic education, which for a long time we have been avoiding thanks to the empowerment of politics turning our attention only on it, waiting for the discursive crumbs and royalties that our leaders offer.

Particularly I think that we are seen as animals, animals that do not require more attention in terms of comfort and turn a blind eye to the problem of food because animals by nature seek food on land, in the trash or where there is any source of food to survive, is in this way that I pose the creation of characters that will give prominence to the plastic, taking as reference pigs and pigs laughing faces in a mocking way showing cynicism.

I think that as artists we always seek to transmit a message, reach people in some way and this historical moment we are going through, is only a period in which we must contribute as creators, making evident through different means such as painting, drawings, engravings the situation that seizes us and this is my way of representing, both abuse of power, so much disrespect to the people and the mockery that we receive daily from leaders who only aspire what is best for them and its family nucleus, and what better way to represent it than through art, giving freedom to graphics, spots, lines to generate quality content and protest against cynicism, thus demonstrating its importance within art and the force that generates to create a discursive language that is transmitted more easily becoming more readable and pregnant to the viewer.

This was the creative process.






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Final Work



The main idea is to spread the message and represent the truth, good vibes and keep creating, greetings artists of the world.


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