My plans with my drawings! And some markdown... I am learning!

Good evening to all you wonderful Steemers on this platform most of us like to call home!

At the moment I am doing a lot of drawing and I sure am enjoying it. But, I am not doing it without reason. While it brings me happiness and peace of mind ( Doodling is really calming for nervous persons.) I also do it because I want to design things like shirts, mugs and other things!

The Sad truth about my first Steemit shirt

I already made my own Steemit shirt a while back but the sad story about that marvelous shirt is the fact that it was made for a baby size Snek and seeing I am all grown up these days I could never wear it! In other news, I threw that on away and blamed the website where I ordered the shirt while I just had to read better! Blaming others is easier right? LOL. Lucky for me, I learn and a few weeks back @zneeke made a marvelous drawing for me and I just wanted to try again!

Would you look at this!


This is my new Steemit shirt and I am so happy with it! And guess what? It fits!


I also made two of these HUGE coffee mugs but it looks a bit smaller on the picture

Now I am getting ready for my own line!

While I love to use images made for me, I also want to make my own again! This is the reason I am trying to make and create as much Doodles in many different ways these days! I am a firm believer in trying things out and the more you do it, the better you will get at it!

As you probable have seen, I share pictures of my work but for the shirts I am going to use the scanned in version! I am learning how to use Photoshop as we speak and it's going to be a wild ride I am sure! But, I have always dreamed about doing some design work for shirts etc and a dream will not become real if you don't chase them!

For now I have two designs ready to go but I am not going to set myself any time limits! I want to take my time and learn and create something I would wear myself and feel good in! So stay tuned of you want to see what I am going to do! Here are the two designs I have so far.



If you follow my blog you will know that I already shared these two but I did not tell why I made them! But this is the bog secret behind them!

And one more new thing!!!!

@ma1neevent made it happen! I always said I will never give in... I will not learn how to edit my post while using code and markdown because honestly, it scared me for a long time! I always thought it was super hard and the first two times I tried it, I messed up my whole post! Even more scared I told myself never to use it again! I am visual person and I need to see things before I can understand them and Ma1ne was kind enough to teach me how to use markdown! So, this is my second post with centered pictures and text! Honestly, it's about times seeing I have been here for a long time! I am so thankful for his help and so proud that I learned something new!

Thank you so much for reading my post

Best wishes

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