Gifted with the notfinishthings blessing!

I suffer from the notfinishthings syndrome!

I kid you NOT, for at least 4 weeks now I have started drawings and paintings and I did not finish ONE!
((Crosses arms, stomps foot, wiggles itchy nose.))


I start with an idea and the will to get it done in just a few hours! I believe myself the moment I pick up my pen to draw. I really believe in getting it done and for some reason, it does NOT happen!

I always knew that I have the attention span of a darn goldfish mixed with a fruitfly and I do the oooooh look a butterfly thing at least 30 times a day but... This is totally new and I think I have hit artist-block!
One more annoying thing is that no matter what I draw or paint, I don't like it! The people around me say they love them and I should finish them but.... ((Blinks)) I ain't listening! ((Thats nothing new!))

Perhaps I am on art-cation and I don't know it yet?


Maybe I should take a page from my own book and seriously follow the words I have written there! Listen to yourself, your body and your soul! I might be in need of a break or some chocolate! BACON!! I need bacon!
That shall cure me!


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