“Fuel to the Fire” + vital update


I hope, for the holiday type, that you had a great Thanksgiving Day. I managed to nab some pumpkin pie slices. The past few days have been kind of busy, but at my own pace — which is a nice improvement. I'm also diversifying my time up a bit.

Bullsy can't wait for the bottom!

With a bit further down to go, Bulls has taken to the air and is dropping massive cash into the awaiting Bear fire. After the crypto forest is wiped out, the new purchases will take root and turn into crypto sequoia trees! MAYBE


A change of heart

I'm at the point that if I don't make some srs changes in my life, I'm going to regret it for a very long time. So that's just what I'm doing!

First off, I'm likely dropping out of my business mentorship programme, which really hasn't done much for me. I admit I haven't applied myself as much as I could, but most of their information and guidance has been useless at best and dumb at worst. I'm going to "consult an expert"... not really, but I'm starting to read this here book!

Additionally, my art is no longer a priority of any kind. My posting will likely follow accordingly. I still care about the community and whatevs, but I'm not going to post generic stuff just to post. I need to make up for a lot of lost time in life :)

I'm looking into another way to get profits (without crypto-blogging). Of course, crypto is very risky right now, so I'm taking small steps and being extra cautious. Never trade with any amount that will make you psychotically insane if you lose it.

You can always catch me on Discord to entertain your morbid curiosity about my activities.

In reality, I'm looking forward to a strong return on here — hopefully I'll succeed in my endeavors and get the business/financial monkeys off my back!

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