Ophelia Fu's Robot Friends

My year-in-review


Ophelia Fu's Robot Friends

In this post I'm sharing with you some of my artwork from my past year on Steemit. This time it's the turn of my robots and a little bit of information about their personal lives. I hope you enjoy this selection of work!

Confessions of a robot

My name is Norman. I’m 3.6 years old robot with a manufacturer's warranty of 12 years. Since joining Steemit I have made lots of friends, I spend many hours in Steemitrobo.chat, letting off Steem.


Let me tell you a bit about myself:

I was fired from my last job as an assembly line robot for viewing NSFW fem-bot material whilst making a Nissan Pulsar five-door hatchback.

Image source

I live with 2 other robots, Derek and Martin. We spend most of our nights drinking WD40 and playing poker (Derek works in programming and often uses algorithms to cheat at poker, don’t play against him).


Derek and Martin

At weekends I enjoy a spot of cosplay, I make a mean Wonder Woman.


A few screws loose.

My name is Colin and I work in accounting. I’m 5.4 years old and have a manufacturer’s warranty of 10 years. I live with my wife Pamela and our gorgeous new born daughter Rasbery Pi.


I’m self-conscious about my large feet, but the fem-bots love them. At weekends I play rugby with the bots from the office. My friend Martin used to play, but it’s a rough game and he lost his nuts.


Martin, no nuts

My ambition for the future is to become part of the NASA space programme, maybe the nose cone. I’ve always wanted to go to the moon.


Will robots take over your world?

I have a little confession, it’s not something that I tell a lot of people, but I think I can trust you. Ever since I watched Tobor the Great, a science fiction film from 1954 about a robot, I have had a little place in my heart for tin robots.

Great 1950’s robots include:

Tobor, features in Tobor the Great,1954. And also the TV-series Captain Video and His Video Rangers, 1949-1954. Tobor is robot spelt backwards. If you have the money you can by a 1:1 scale ‘celebrity robot’ from http://www.the-robotman.com/, you could buy your own Tobor.


Robby the Robot from the 1956 film Forbidden Planet.

image credit
Gort from the 1951 fiction film The Day the Earth Stood Still.

image credit

I have started on my own robot mural, partially inspired by theses little guys that I photographed in a shop in France. They look like an army of misfit robots!




An army of robots


We are the misfit robots, we live among you, and we are evolving. We make your cars, we weld and build, we harvest your crops, and we are the new surgeons in your hospitals. We work for you, sometimes we do your job for you, maybe one day you will work for us.

tobors friends.jpg

'Tobor's friends'

We all celebrated last night with a keg of WD40 and a bowl of mixed nuts.


Some of these robots found a home with Steemians at SteemFest Amsterdam. Robot Derek went to @skapaneas and I think Robot Colin went to @neilstrauss. If you also have one of my Steemit robots let me know in the comments below!


Steem on!


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