Experiencing techniques with Scott | César Marcano [Eng]

Today I have the honor of sharing with you three works that I did with the participation of my friend Luis Eduardo Scott, a young art lover with only 19 years old. In these design works we combine photography, illustration and double exposure. They are not very difficult, but they are not simple either and they end up being quite attractive.



Photography is one of the contemporary arts, which, like painting, sculpture or music, pretend to be a form of expression by the artist to express emotions, feelings and thoughts.
It is the art and technique of obtaining lasting images due to the action of light. It is the process of projecting images and capturing them, either by setting them in a medium sensitive to light or by converting them into electronic signals.



The digital illustration is that work of graphic illustration that has been created using computer technologies. For this the illustrator uses computers or other electronic devices with tools that allow him to draw, such as mice, optical pens, graphic tablets or touch screens, as well as suitable programs that allow him to create an image that is stored in a digital storage device.
It does not consist of correcting an image or digitizing and editing previously created drawings with analogical graphic techniques, but of directly creating an image, if at all by taking a sketch as a starting point.

Double Exposure


The double exposure is an old photographic technique that is currently regaining strength, since it is a seductive way to explore analog photography with unexpected and interesting results at the same time.
This technique carried out either accidentally or knowingly is a procedure that consists in exposing the same film frame twice during two different moments; in this way both images are juxtaposed and create a third that produces a surprising effect.
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