RE: RE: The image is made of own imagination and thoughts
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RE: The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

RE: The image is made of own imagination and thoughts


As thousands of spots of water flushed the earth where I stand. I can only look at the beauty of this world through the lump of clear objects that are displayed neatly in every home. suddenly, the ringing sound of my old school handpone delivered a new message.

Message: Andi
Sent: 18 dec 2013
Cha, tomorrow morning do not miss it yes, we wait in front of the house, watch out for ...

Hmmm it turns out andi, yes he is my best friend who likes to play with pigeons and motorcycles. He is my closest friend. Oya our plan tomorrow morning is to go to Mount Merapi which is not too far from our place. Because we live in the village of kledung wonosobo. Precisely in the middle between Mount Merapi and Merbabu.

"Light nek tomorrow morning want to go to mount Merapi yes, there ips tasks about rock research that is around the mountain of Merapi, all play together andi and ian ya nek," said sweet light trying to spoiled his grandmother.
"Mmm, how are you? but will not linger ca? "Grandma murmured.
"Baseball kok nek only one day and one night, that was with my friends the other" refuted the light.
"Yes please, grandma let me. Just take care yourself alright huh? now you prepare the goods. And it will be a good night's sleep so tomorrow is ready "replied the grandmother with sweetness.
"Thanks nek, cahya will take care of yourself really, anyway there is andi and ian" said cahya with a big smile while kissing her grandmother's forehead.

It's been a long time since I lived with my grandmother, because my father decided to leave me alone. While the mother worked as a public relations in the city who was assigned to go abroad, forcing him to leave me with grandmother in this village kledung village that I initially did not like the atmosphere of a remote village as well as less sophisticated facilities. Contrary to my life given the mother in the city there with the advancement of his time. But as time went on, I began to enjoy my new life surrounded by warm friendship and adventure.

"Be careful light keep yourself good, do not forget to stay solat ya" remember the grandmother.
"Yes nek, dah grandma. Assalamualaikum "he replied as he kissed her grandmother's hand and hurried away with andi and ian who had been waiting from earlier.
"Your long time ca? What are you doing? Lest you first calculate the sand front of the house until very long "snap ian while walking fast.
"Ish, brazen yan you. Yes baseball was I was looking for geography books that yesterday borrowed andi I forget nyimpen "sanggah light.
"Base of grandmother, so forget forget, hahaha" ian mock cahya again.
With an upset face cahya did not reply to his taunts, as if no matter.
"Please be this guys, always arguing we are friends with each other must have shortcomings and advantages. Must complement each other "said andi.
"Hear me?" Muttered the light.
"Yes on, it was just joking. Huuu base spoiled "ian defend himself

That's the ian who always teases the light, to irritate him. But on the other hand ian is the brightest student in our school in SMPN KLEDUNG. But in every debate we did not get into a big fight, because we knew each other's characteristics that made the three of us friends.

"Yes the kids let's line up with their respective groups" orders pak jay.

Pak jay is a music teacher who this time became a social committee in collaboration with bu ina a geography teacher. No other pak jay want to help this event, because pak jay a rotten girl who approached a bu ina that had long been left her husband. A great opportunity for pak jay to carry out his mission.

children there we can not split up each, but we must continue with our partners everywhere, because once we scatter and play around it can be fatal later. Understand the children? "Ordered bu ina.
"Understand bu ..." answered the children in unison.
"Well before we leave let us pray together together may we be given smoothness by Allah swt. Praying begins "all at once read al-fatihah.
"Finished. Well children please enter the bus that has been provided in accordance with the division of the seat yesterday "orders pak jay.

All rushed to their buses.
"Nanda who is sitting next to you?" Asked tiwi instantly.
"Light, why wi?" He asked back to tiwi.
"huh what? Light? The city boy who hesitate and not have a father? Beware ya nanda, you have to use eucalyptus oil let gatel-gatel tuh sit with him "said tiwi.
"What do you mean wi? Ngehina the light that has no wrong with you. Do not have to make a fuss about wi mulu deh. You just can find a sensation! "
"Heh you cubby boy who is clever do not have to be a hero for a light deh! Also do not be rude ya same tiwi, you dare to rough with him means you must face me first! "Said bagas.
"Already deh ian biarin wrote them, let me continue to ramble until their mouth burst rich Mount Merapi. After all ngeladenin they were not there any completion. That there ngabisin power wrote "sanggah light.
"Heh what do you mean ca? Oh dare well with me? Blander you! "With his emotion tiwi almost slapped the light. But ditangkis with the arrival of rico that defends light.
"You realize not tiwi, you're a girl? There is a girl who is as vulnerable as the weak. You imagine if you're in a light position. Do not just ngandelin what you have to rule. Hargain the right of others to live and socialize dong, god just give us our freedom to live. Why did you take that freedom out of the light? Diem light does not mean he's scared, but he knows what better he should do "bela Rico who came suddenly.

Suddenly all paused and fixed on the tiwi and bagas tiwi. Tiwi yaps tiwi is a beautiful and ideal-looking girl who is dating a baggy son of a wealthy merchant who feels he has what he wants. Nanda, she is a good friend of tiwi who somehow changed her character after she knew tiwi, she hated me suddenly without cause. And another ichsan, he's a gang member. He is good at fighting because many are afraid of ichsan because of his threat. yes they are, they are a bunch of human children who feel they have the power and joined to form a gang called "The King". Probably because they are powerful so they take that word from the philosophy of the King. While Rico, Rico is a new student he moved from Surabaya, he came here with his father who worked in the Perhutani service, this time assigned in the village of Kledung.
"I do not have to intervene rico. Sok sage really "cetus ihsan.
"Already-do not quarrel here, useless gakan finished-finish" andi argued that suddenly interfere.
The atmosphere was silent instantly with a face that did not know what to say and could only be silent.
"Thanks rico, already defend me" praise the light with sweetness.
"Relax aja ca, it's all my duty as well As a human must help each other" he replied with a smile.

The journey continues
The journey to the summit is not an easy thing all need hard work and obstacles. Dense trees, scattered branches blocking my way, not forgetting the fear that accompanies every step I got there. Steep rock and slippery red earth did not dampen my guts to keep moving. Step by step drove us to the top of Mount Merapi. The volcano is still active and much feared by the community because of the Merapi eruption that often happens.

"Children now we have arrived, please you rest first, before continuing our first task" tell bu ina.

The children looked so tired. drop by sweat drops this body. Unaware of the rico beside me, sat down and handed me a green handkerchief with his name on it. I can only be stunned to see it and I ask myself if this is a dream? It was not long before I realized this was not a warm dream of his face warming the atmosphere around me when it was cold weather. Then he simply walked over to the mala, then sat down beside her while offering a bottle of drinking water. Seen from the corner of my eyes they joked and laughed off. I do not know, maybe rico more deserved with mala, I'm here to adventure not seek love.
"Kids let's hurry through the research of rocks and trees around. Do it thoroughly and skillfully with your group! "Orders pak jay.

Immediately I snapped out of my hobby. And I rushed off to andi and ian and immediately did our group work. Step by step wading through the lush trees of Mount Merapi, increasingly steep and steep. What was once a refreshingly refreshing aroma became annoying with an increasingly strong sulfur smell. I remembered bu word bu said that never happened, suddenly cattle residents around dead. With that opinion it did not dampen my intentions and my two best friends, but made our guts more curious.

"Buggg ..."

Suddenly ian fell to kiss the earth. Not immediately rise but seen there is a small stone that mengahadang road ian, what is this? There was a white powder wrapped around the stone. With his curiosity ian grasp the stone and he smell, but it feels strange for us to meet this object. Think what kind of weird thing is on the top of the mountain, but it looks like a gas ball? who and what mode are they planning? Not afraid but we are driven to solve this puzzle.

"Heh you, step aside well do not stay in the middle of jungle gini. Beware we all want to pass, instead of ngerjain task even diem not work! "Bagas and gang that suddenly come.
"Already pass it aja times, they are unseen not need dipereduliin" said ichsan suddenly.

We do not care about what they say, Ignore it as if I've missed it. The three of us were instantly speechless and exhausted, staring at each other thoughtfully, whether the same as our thoughts at the moment.

"I know ..." we say in unison.
"What's on your mind? What are our thoughts the same? "Asked Andi.
"I think this is a mystery we have to solve, maybe this is what makes the cows die suddenly!" Ian replied seriously.
"Maybe, and it seems this is our mission to solve the mystery" blazed the light.
"But, what about our task of researching rocks?" Said Andi.
"Mmm, well let's just now we live it first, who knows in front there are many other clues" ian give advice.

We rushed out of the place, and started tracing the next path. Step by step our eyes continue to look around, see who knows there are other foreign objects more convincing this mystery.

"Hey see what this?" Point andi on a leaf of a leaf that is nearby.
"Looks like this leaf is a weird powder, but what is this powder?" Asked the light.
"But this powder is similar to the powder that is in this stone" ian replied, pointing at the stone.
"Mmm, yes it's the same, it smells the same. Could there be someone behind this mystery? "Andi muttered.
"It could be that it is not an ordinary powder, and it looks like there is still plenty of other evidence. Do we have to report to bu ina and pak jay? "Said ian.
"I do not think we should report pak jay and bu ina, but we just browse the truth. After all we just proved to explain this to bu ina and pak jay? "Light advises.

All paused and scanned around, as if they were beginning to plan their next mission. On the other hand bagas and his friend are plotting something to destroy andi, ian and light. It's sly their minds, rather than researching the rocks but they intend evil on andi, ian and light. A piece of rope they attached to two trees that they then covered with dried leaves so invisible, so clever their cunning mind but fools their common sense.

The atmosphere back as before all busy with their respective activities. Andi fell asleep while waiting for the trip, the other friends chatted and jokingly ignored around, bagas and tiwi dating. Seeing them I can only take a deep breath. At first glance in my mind, Rico? A little hero for me who makes this heart and view melt with his whims as if an angel had brought this flavor to him. Husss just ignore this is just my fantasy is too high, my age is not enough if you have to think that far.

As the bus drove with a breeze of forest that lead us to the foot of Mount Merapi. Once there, all the students are happy, not least me. I am also very happy to be here to breathe free oxygen with the song of lush pepohonoan from the leaves that rub against each other dance to welcome our presence.

"Alhamdulillah children we have arrived, everything let's hurry to the top of the mountain and we set up a tent there. All remain marching in their platoon do not let anyone split up "ordered bu ina.
"Let's the kids let's start the adventure. Lets go! "Spirit jay pak.
"Ayooooo" replied the children simultaneously preparing for his adventure.
"Watch out for the children, the mountain is steep and slippery" said bu ina.
"Yes sir, this is slippery because of the rain last night bu?" Asked rico who is right behind bu ina.
"Yes it is rico, aja last night the ichsan ngelumurin first oil let all slippery, yes baseball is? Pretentious really deh "cetus bagas who suddenly answered in the back.
"Hush already gas, rico's just asking nicely. Do not renew it! "Pak Pak's annoyed tone replied.
"Oya bu, there we will do anything?" Asked andi.
"Our plan when we get there in addition to examining the rock apasaja that is around the crater, we will also examine what plants are there. Because we know the sulfur content around the crater usually makes not many plants that can survive "replied bu ina with lugasnya.
"Ohhh so, so in addition to learning we can also adventure dong bu?" Sanggah tiwi with lugunya.
"Yes wi, but the adventure is not to play games. all must be done seriously and skill because a few weeks ago something happened that made cattle cattle belonging to the local people suddenly died. Not solved until now, therefore we must always be on guard "bu bua serious advice.
"Wah, bu mean our learning this time memorable scary?" Cetus ian suddenly.
"Husss what the hell," replied the light as he shook the ian.
"No kok not frightening, but fun and make important lessons for you to always be compact and gotong royong" protested pak jay.

On the other hand bagas and his friends lost instantly some where, because they do feel if the bait was wrong target. While pak jay was looking for the culprit, which if caught could they get punished.

"Who did this? Come on to be honest, it's no use you're hiding this lie! "Bu ina irritatedly advises the children.
"Bagas, ichsan, tiwi and nanda where?" Asked pak jay.

All eyes searched in every direction and invisible none of their noses. But it looks like rico knows where they are hiding right now.

"Well that's it sir them !!!" rico pointed to a cave.
"Hey guys what are you doing here? You guys can not run away, come on honestly than you do not admit to going to get worse punishment "pak jay came over and scolded them.
"What's the pack, we're here looking for rocks ..." bagas try to dodge.
"Do not you guys try to dodge already clearly caught hands!" Said bu ina angrily.

They were all herded to the post and there they were well advised by bu ina.

"Tiwi, bagas, ichsan, nanda. Mother did not expect you guys this naked, especially you tiwi and nanda you in class enough achievement and naive while studying. Tell you guys this if this is out of the classroom "said bu ina who really angry.
"Baseball ko bu, this is just a misunderstanding, I do not do it, I just help it bu" tiwi defend themselves.
"Just the same tiwi, let alone you bagas and ichsan you who make tiwi and nanda so this way. What's your mode of making such a trap? "Sanggah bu ina.
"Mmm, no bu we do not mean anything just to play games anyway" ichsan tried to defend himself.
"Where is it possible just to play games, there must be another mode, let's be honest if not honest you all will get a reply later" said pak jay intervene.
"Our pak-bu pledge nothing meant nothing" they replied in unison.

Still they do not want to confess, yes it is certainly a god knows all. Suddenly andi, light and ian approached bu ina.

"Bu sorry, actually we were on the way to find these two foreign objects" the light shows the foreign object earlier.
"What is this ca? Where did you find it? "He asked.
"I do not know, we were the three of us found it in the bush while searching for the research material" said Andi.
"It's like a gas ball and a crystallized gas powder, and it smells strangely stingy," Mr. Jay said trying to explain.
"Maybe it's the pack that caused livestock a few weeks yesterday died suddenly" ian add said pak jay.
"Oya this could be because the death was mysterious and no evidence was found any one" sanggah bu ina.
"And maybe this object can be used as evidence, do we just leave this thing?" Suggestion of light.
"Yes this is a great invention, you are great andi, light, ian. Father salute you guys "praise pak jay.
"Mother also salute you, let us hurry submit this thing to be investigated immediately" suggestion bu ina.

All cheering on us, our pride can solve this mystery, and do this brief adventure. And when I'm happy, the happiness increases when I know that rico and mala is a cousin, especially when I know that rico who prepared a surprise of the original edelweis flower he picked from the peak of Merapi that he gave me at that time, when the fire was really dream but this not a dream.

When all the cheers cheered happily, not to bagas and their friends more quickly leave the post and prefer to go home when it was a campfire event. As they hurried to go home, as they passed the river they all suddenly slipped into the river. So it makes them cold and keep their intention to go home, all laughing at them.

it this the true story.., but i was added a little in the story just for perfect.... thanks for your good contest.. mr @xpilar..

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