Riley.pngThe thing that separes text.png

Today I want to talk to you about something I have in mind.
you'll be asking. Who the hell is Riley?

Hahaha See, I explain.

Look at that lovely girl, her name is Riley. It is a character that I (in help with others) designed for a story that I, and my gf have in mind. I have many things planned for the future, and among them is this comic.

She is part of him, he is a secondary character. She is a naturist, and seems very calm to the naked eye, very "feminine", until they make her annoy.

It's a little bit complicated, but... she can control nature!!! (i'll explain more after)

I will be teaching several of the designs that I have in mind for this. I love representing my ideas, and those of my friends and gf in public, because I feel that the public is able to perceive what I put on paper.

This is all for today, soon there will be more. Visit my facebook page!
See ya'.

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