Study Design with Nicole #2 : Mandala 【 跟妮可讀設計 #2:曼陀羅】

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Welcome to my post and hope you are doing good today!
Are you attracted by the topic image? Is that drawing looks gorgeous.........or the image girl? (Nah, I am just kidding! Don't click "unfollow"😛)
I am going to share about "Mandala" today, the Mandala is drew by me, hope you guys will enjoy it.

你被封面照片吸引了嗎? 是那幅漂亮的畫.........或圖中的女孩? (不不不,我只是開玩笑,別按"Unfollow"😛)


Background of Mandala 曼陀羅的背景

A mandala (Sanskrit: मण्डल, lit, circle) is a spiritual and ritual symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism, representing the universe. In common use, "mandala" has become a generic term for any diagram, chart or geometric pattern that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically; a microcosm of the universe.

曼陀羅(梵語:मण्डल,Mandala,原義為圓形),又譯為曼荼羅、慢怛羅、滿拏囉、曼達拉等,是印度教和佛教中的精神和儀式符號,代表宇宙。 在普遍使用中,“曼陀羅”已經成為任何以形而上或像徵性代表宇宙的圖表,圖表或幾何圖案的通用術語- 宇宙的縮影。



The basic form of most mandalas is a square with four gates containing a circle with a center point. Each gate is in the general shape of a T. Mandalas often exhibit radial balance. In various spiritual traditions, mandalas may be employed for focusing attention of practitioners and adepts, as a spiritual guidance tool, for establishing a sacred space, and as an aid to meditation and trance induction.

大多數曼陀羅的基本形式是一個正方形,四個門包含一個具有中心點的圓。 每個門都是一般的形狀。曼陀羅通常呈徑向平衡。 依照曼陀羅的各種含意,它就是各個宗教,為了描述或代表其宗教的宇宙模型,或顯現其宗教所見之宇宙的真實,所做的「萬象森列,圓融有序的布置」

Change of Mandala 曼陀羅的轉變

Apart from seeing Mandala from old and traditional temple, you may find that mandala had been applying on different architectures, designs, and even tattoo.



How to create our own Mandala 創造屬於你的曼陀羅

What you need to draw a mandala: paper, pencil, ink pen, compass, ruler, and color pencils!

畫曼陀羅需要的工具: 紙,鉛筆,墨水筆,圓規,呎子,顏色筆!

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  1. The first step in how to draw a mandala is to draw a series of circles around this dot, one easy way to draw circles is to use a compass.
  2. According to the basic outline of your mandala, you can begin drawing designs from the center, or you can start from anywhere where you feel inspired to make some marks. For me, I usually start from center which is easier to balance the drawing.
  3. Using the lines and circles you drew as guidelines, you can draw shapes like circles, triangles, raindrops, loops, etc. What you need is to repeat your pattern. The repetition of patterns is a key element in creating a mandala.
  4. The key is to take it slowly, drawing one shape at a time and going around the whole circle drawing that one shape in the right place. Then you build on that shape by drawing other shapes around the circle in the same manner.
  5. You may stop your design here if you would like to keep it as black and white. You may also continue with colouring your mandala. There is no limitation with colors.
  1. 曼陀羅的第一步是在紙上畫一個點,圍繞這個點畫一系列圓圈,你可以使用圓規去畫圓形。
  2. 根據你的曼陀羅的基本圓圈,你可以從中心開始繪畫,也可以從任何你有靈感的地方開始做一些標記。 對我來說,我通常從中心開始,設計更容易平衡。
  3. 使用您繪製的線條和圓圈作為指導,您可以繪製圓形,三角形,雨滴,循環等形狀。你需要的是重複圖形。 圖形的重複是創建曼陀羅的關鍵要素。
  4. 關鍵是慢慢地,一次畫一個形狀,圍繞整個圓圈畫在已標記的地方。 然後,您可以以相同的方式在圓周上繪製其他形狀。
  5. 如果你的曼陀羅想保留黑白色的設計可以停在這裡。你也可以選擇為你的曼陀羅填色。顏色並無限制。 (1).gif (2).gif


Alright, this is the artwork for today! Please follow and upvote the post if you like it~ ❤️
好啦,這就是今天的完成品。希望你們喜歡今天的分享啦,別忘了追蹤和upvote我啊~ ❤️

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