ROMANCING THE NIGHT ... (Painting #31 by Neha Bisht/ Oil on Canvas) "Sky gazes down on Earth silently as Earth gazes heavenwards …."

To me, Earth and Sky is like a poignant and beautiful love story.
Sky and Earth are the eternal lovers.

For centuries and ages, Earth and Sky have existed. They constantly gaze at each other.

The Earth gazes longingly at the beautiful clouds, sun, moon and twinkling stars. The Sky gazes lovingly at the beautiful colours , rivers , oceans, meadows, valleys, rocks and mountains.

Earth sends it’s love to the Sky in misty, vapoury letters that float as clouds of love in the heart of the Sky.
The Breeze is a whisper of love between Earth and Sky, that sings through land and firmament, causing ripples and tremors, carrying fragrant messages.

Sometimes clouds from the sky, hang low, in misty romance and caress the Earth.
Sometimes the rain drops fall down like myriad kisses.
Sometimes an angry storm rips the Sky and Earth.
Sometimes passionate tears from the Sky drench a parched Earth.

In the silence of the night, when all the world sleeps, Earth lovingly looks at the myriad twinkling stars. Yearning and longing. And the Sky kisses the earth with the kiss of moonlight & embraces the earth in a loving embrace.

In the far horizon it seems that the Sky and Earth meet. But it is just an illusion. They never meet.

Earth cannot leave her world. Sky cannot leave his world.
So they love in Eternal Silence.

What do we creatures know of love, as Earth and Sky know !!!

ROMANCING THE NIGHT .... Oil Painting by Neha Bisht

"Sky gazes down on Earth silently, as Earth gazes heavenwards …."

Oil on canvas/ Genre Lyrical Landscape/Style Expressionism

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